
Do ppl with bipolar or schizophrenia know that they have it? Like do they detect it or do others tell them

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I was just curious (:




  1. Those are two very different disorders.  People with schizophrenia usually have feelings of unreality pretty early on and know that those feelings are not normal.  They also tend to be afraid to tell anyone, so it takes a while to get to therapy, but they know something's wrong.  

    People with bipolar disorder also know that something's wrong.  They know that they're not thinking logically in either state.  When in a state of mania, a person with bipolar may not recognize that anything is wrong just because they're so glad not to be depressed anymore and feel relief in their manic state.  This is why people with bipolar disorder have a hard time taking their medications continuously.  There is a lot of denial during manic states, but they know that something is wrong when they hit the depressive episodes.  They just are so depressed that sometimes they believe they're beyond help.  This is why bipolar disorder is one of the most dangerous mental disorders.

  2. Some do some don't.  For example my father in law has schizophrenia.  He and his wife went to see a doctor because it was causing them both stress.  he doctor came to the conclusion he needed a treatment for schizophrenia.

    On the other hand, my husband who has very strong gene from his father, is schiz as well  He admits he got the condition from watching his father's erratic behavior.  

  3. Agree with Nick.

    People know they're different.

    But may not know that there suffering is curable with professional help.

  4. i am bipolar.i knew before the doctors told me..bad mood swing i would flip out for no reason thats how i knew i had issues

  5. I heard somewhere that 5 out of 10 schizophrenics know something is wrong with them. Probably close to the same thing with Bipolar Disorder.

  6. in most cases yes they can tell something is wrong unless there is alot of phycosis in that case they are there but no ones home so to say

    in most cases the person knows thers is something wrong but the problem is getting them to get help and admit the problem

    in severe cases no they really dont know its going on unless they are not in a manic state

  7. Insight is the term we use for this. Bipolars usually retain full insight (though they usually don't seek help when they're manic, since they fell well), whilst schizophrenics normally have poor insight into their condition.

  8. Depending on the amount of knowledge of mental diseaeses they have, or the exposure to such problems they have they will or will not become aware of it on their own. for example if a persons parent(s) has a disorder which has been medically confirmed, the person will be more aware of the problem and the possibility of himself inheriting the disease. on the other hand, some people have gone through their entire lives not knowing they have a disorder. especially in the decades before when awareness of mental illnesses was less.And the person may not be mentally competent enough to identify his problem.

    For a disease like schizophrenia the person is sometimes too mentally disabled to be able to think logically and analyse their problem.

  9. oh, they'll know something is wrong with them. they may not know for sure what it is until they have a professional diagnosis though.

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