
Do pregnant women who smoke really care for their baby welfare?

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l know that cigarettes is a addicted drug but how in the world can you smoke cigarettes while carrying around a new life that doesnt have a choice when it comes to their health. l use to work with this mother who smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and one day she got real sick and l asked her, why not take a aspirin or something, oh no the doctors told me that l can't take that stuff cause it's not good for the baby. l held everything in my power not to lay into her. l asked her, the doctor tells you that it's wrong to take aspirin but he never said anything about you smoking. No he didn't. Then you should marry him. why do you say that. cause you and him both are idiots that is why. if you are a pregnant woman who smokes. when you decide to have your child, give it up for adoption because you are a dead beat mother and very unfit to raise a child.




  1. I can very much relate to your question. My aunt did this while she was pregnant with my little cousin. She would smoke packs a day and DRINK BEER as well. She gave me attitude every time I told her something about it. She didn't take it seriously. She said her doctor said she could smoke because it's worse for the baby if she's "stressed". When her baby was nearly 2 years old, she couldn't even hold her own head up much less walk. There's also women who have random boyfriends during and after pregnancy. Society is just a very sick nest of ignorant and inconsiderate people. I'm saddened that children have to pay the consequences.

  2. That is a little harsh but I see where you are coming from. Some people justget more upset than others-and thats totally fine.I was smoking a pack a day before I got preggo. We tried to quit and I had such a hard time-believe me..But when i found out I was pregnant-I didn't even think twice about it..I knew that I couldn't do that to my baby that couldn't help what was put into her body...Although I thought about cigarettes from time to time-I could never bring myself to smoke one. That was the best motivation for me.

  3. Why?  Because of the chemicals?  There are chemicals in baby formula and everyone seems to think it's ok to give their baby that.

  4. u go girl!!!!! .of course smoking is dangerous to any body's health. especially if really will harm the baby...

  5. I think that's a little harsh, but mostly I agree. I think it's despicable to smoke while pregnant. I'm amazed at how unaware some people are.

  6. Exposing a infant to hundreds of toxic chemicals is harmful. SIDS is much higher for babies in smoke filled homes, but some parents have their priorities.

  7. wow. this is judgemental to the max. I dont smoke but what gives you the right to judge people exactly? are you a saint without flaws? I highy doubt it.

    you shouldnt judge people, you have no idea what their life is like. my mother smoked with me and i think she is the best mom in the world. You are entitled to your opinion i suppose but maybe next time, keep it to yourself.

    there are pregnant ladies snorting pills, drinking booze, mb you should rag on them too.

  8. You are stupid.  Have you ever had children?  Did you ever eat a big mac while you were pregnant? sodas? all these things harm your baby as well, you can't say that a mother is a dead beat because she can't quit smoking.  I didn't smoke when i was pregnant but im still smart enough to realize everyone's life is are ignorant, get off your pedistal.

  9. i think that is a little harsh but i do think it is selfish to carry on smoking when you are pregnant. 9 months isnt alot to give your child and if that is to much to do then why have a child at all.

  10. Well, I know in my case, I have NEVER once smoked or even touched a cig, never done any kind of drug, and never drank alcohol, so i am clean as can be. I even have the worst medical drug tolerance- LOL_ I can barely take Tylenol and im acting loopy.

    But I do agree that smoking or anything like it is WRONG during pregnancy any way you look at it, and especially after. What "mothers" and "fathers" don't realize or want to think about is that when you smoke like a chimney or drink, your child is being subjected to all of it (from the mother anyways), and everything you subject your body to, you are sharing with your baby. That is why I am as safe as possible with this first pregnancy because I love my little angel and I want him/her to be as healthy and happy as possible when born, and I want to know that I have done everything possible to ensure my child's quality of life.

    There is a woman in my church who breaks my heart every time i see her, and all of the other women to. The woman is 8 months preg, and she smokes like a chimney and she doesn't realize that she is killing her baby and causing serious trouble for the child in the long run. She doesn't even care. The other women in my church all smoke and dip and drink, and my pastor said his wife smoked and stayed drunk all through her two pregs and nothing is wrong with their kids, and yet one of them is 13, almost 14, he is looks like he is 9, and has serious asthma and they claim they don't know where it came from, and then the younger one, who is 11 has serious asthma as well and is over hyper, and both have learning disabilities... And what saddens me is that they don't seem to see the damage they did to their children. But I have asked them to not smoke at all (all 4 women) when we are on the church bus because I wont subject my little angel to all of that poison. I wont even drink caffeine or have very much sugar for gosh sakes.

    I mean, is it really asking to much for your child's life that you put smoking aside for only 9 MONTHS?? Thats not much to ask to ensure that your baby at least lives outside of the womb. Children should not have to suffer like this and parents should be willing to sacrifice everything they can to be as good a parent as they can, even starting when the child is in the womb, because what you do while that little one is in you, is going to effect it for the rest of the child's life....but people these days don't want to believe that they are in the wrong....I am not angry with these parents, but I am sad that they know what they are doing to their children and yet they continue to do it anyways....

  11. In some ways I agree, but I think your being a little too hard on people. I was a smoker before I found out I was pregnant, but as soon as I found out I quit. I assume you've never been a smoker based on your comments, some people can kick the habit for easily while others find it much harder. Its not your child or your body, people will do as they wish, hey some people even kill their babies by having an abortion. My best friend smoked with both of her children and although I strongly did not agree with her choice, I came to a realization that it was her choice and she was the one who would have to deal with the consequences. You may think its wrong but again its not your choice, and just b/c someone may smoke while they are bringing a life into the world doesnt make them a deadbeat, or unfit, they just made a poor decision. My Husband is a smoker still although he has cut back he is not allowed to smoke in our house, our cars or anywhere around me, and when the baby is born if he has not quit by then it will be the same way, I am sure if he had life growing inside him he would of quit. Just dont be so quick to judge, until you have been there

  12. Well, as a pregnant smoker carrying her sixth child, I have one thing to say about this....Rubbish!!  Of course I love my kids, and of course I am a fit mother. One who is not a smoker and/or does not have children is in no position to judge that issue. Do I feel guilty that I am a smoker and raising children? Of course I do. It is just simply not an easy thing to quit after more then half a lifetime. My kids are all very healthy and bright too by the way.

  13. i hope you arent raising any children

  14. My bestfriend and I were both smokers before pregnancy. When she found out she was pregnant four years ago, she tried quitting, but started showing signs of miscarriage. The doctor told her that cigarettes were harmful to the baby but the simple fact was she would lose the baby if she quit completely. Now, she cut way back, about two cigarettes a day, and her daughter was born not just healthy, but nearly nine pounds. When I found out I was pregnant recently, I didn't think twice. I stopped smoking, but I'm not going to bash on women who cut back and take care of themselves. By the way, my mother smoked with me, and I was also a healthy, nine pound baby.

  15. Seems to me that you are being a LITTLE extreme.  My mother smoked while she was pregnant with me, and now I am pregnant with my first child.  I smoked until i found out i was pregnant...and I may have slipped once or twice and had one, but no where near as much as i had been smoking beforehand.  I came out okay, but I do find it very tacky to see women who are obviously very pregnant standing outside shops smoking away.  9 months isnt that long in the scheme of giving it up shouldnt be that hard..i just wouldn't judge as hard if u arent in thier shoes

  16. OMG!

    I smoked, not excessivly. I have two children and they are both very healthy thank you very much and to say that someone like myself is a dead beat mother is ignorant.


    Have you ever smoked? I doubt that.

    It was hard and yes I do wish I had tried harder to give up, but that does not make me an unfit mother. I love them more than anything in this world.



  17. In my opinion if a pregnant woman smokes, drinks, takes any kind of drugs that aren't medicinal tells me that they don't really care for their child.

    I think it's wrong, and immoral.

    This also goes if a 'soon to be' father, if he doesn't stop/attempt to stop the mother of his baby doing any of the above (as well as anything else that could harm the baby) shows that he also doesn't care about the child.

  18. It sounds like you have some major family issues. You should take care of them first, before coming on here and ripping mothers who care about their children.  

  19. oh WHATEVER.

    Go tell that b.s. to crackheads who are pregnant. A smoker isn't gonna be a dead beat mother unfit to raise a child.

    REALLY... find something better to do with your time than make unfair accusations.  

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