
Do primary schools in Ireland have parent teacher organizations (PTO/PTA) or parent volunteering?

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I'm trying to learn whether or not parent volunteering is common or encouraged in Irish primary schools (not Northern Ireland). If you have any information on this I would appreciate it (and then some)! Thanks.




  1. We do and its voluntary. Its called a parent teacher association and from it 1 or 2 parents are elected to sit on the board of management of the school to represent the parents interests there, so that the parents have a say in things like uniforms etc.

  2. Northern Irish schools have PTA's. If you don't mean NI then ask about the Republic. Ireland is an island. Not a country.

  3. My primary school had a PTA but that was many years ago i would assume they still do in N.Ireland not too sure about the other parts though..good luck..xx

  4. Don't worry about the NI/Republic thing, what u said was grand..

    Yeah most have parent volunteering, if by that you mean some parents attend meetings, form committees etc to liaise with teachers and improve school voluntarily, normally involves raising funds for school,yeah probably biggest thing(!)..nomally called parent teacher committee/association or simply parent committee.

    I don't know what you mean by parent teacher I would use PTA too for the description of the voluntary thing what's the difference that you mean?

    Anyhoo, yeah most, if not all, schools have parent involvement, but they are certainly not paid!

  5. there is no definate one as such, however many schools encourage parents to meet together and form a council to discus school matters. parents do activley volunteer and organizations are made, however it varies in strength, size and power over school problems from school to school.

  6. my one did, my dad is a head member, i dunno if all schools hav one tho

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