
Do pro wrestlers get to choose if they want to be a face, heel or tweener?

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Do pro wrestlers get to choose if they want to be a face, heel or tweener?




  1. Depends who the superstar is

    som1 like hhh and taker will probaly get to chose

    but the rest are done by the wwe 'creative' team

  2. yeah faces and heels are done by promotions. I got no idea what a tweener is.

  3. Well,in a way yes.But the fan is the big descision maker today.You can be a heel and still have a huge fan base.The wrestlers personal charcter is a big part of his in ring charcter,so that is my thought,

  4. No the storywriters do....and wat the h**l is tweener

  5. yes they do sit down with creative though and talk about what would be best and technically the writers make them face or heel but they disgn thier charecter and charecter development guiding them toward face or heel its up to the writers to match the charecter description with face or heel ultimatly though

  6. no

  7. Well, usually it is the creative writers that choose, but i'm sure the very powerful superstars like HHH, who is Vince's son in law, probably gets to choose.

  8. some of them do stone cold got to i think , but most of them dont

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