
Do professional poker players have to deal with groupies and stuff?

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My husband is pursuing his dream of playing poker, and hopes to one day become a professional poker player, I am a WWE fan and I know that the wrestlers have to deal with "Ring Rat"/groupies, I trust him, I am just trying to prepare myself for what's to come, also, please answer my previous question if you do not mind! Thanks




  1. If he gets on TV and wins some big tournaments, there will be women around. I know a guy who came in about 15th in the WSOP and got propositioned on a fairly regular basis at major tournaments, despite the fact that he was ugly as sin (even missing some teeth) and a prick. If that's going to be a problem, that's an issue for the two of you to deal with when it happens.

    I'd be more worried about your bank account though. Very few people who go pro end up being able to make a living, and many of them end up completely broke or a ton of money in the hole.

  2. I play professionally for a living.  Poker players have to worry more about broke players trying to be your friend to grub money.    Poker is not too glamorous, but there are some women who try to flirt with the winners just like groupies.  You'll find most of us are regular people, but when we win, some of us have that rock star lifestyle so yes we do have groupies...but you're only as good as your last win...

  3. where there is money, there are women.  remember that song, girls dont like boys girls like cars and money...

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