
Do promiscous women prefer nice guys over bad boys for long term (marriage) relationship?

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Normal women prefer badboys over nice guys becouse bad boys are confident, funny, exiting & nice guys are boring, anxious, unconfident etc.

I do'nt want to change myself to attract women. I want to be satisfied with all my flaws (boringness, shyness, etc which are nice guys qualities).

Some years ago, a highly sexually active promiscous woman proposed me for marrying. I did'nt accept her proposal due to her lower education & other reasons.

Now I think that promicous women are different from normal women. They prefer nice guys over bad boys for long term relationship. I think that it is a very good news for nice guys. They don't need to try change their personality to found their life partner.

I am planning to marry a promicous woman. I shall give my wife all of the sexual freedom but I will remain in monogamous relationship with my wife.

Do you think my idea about promiscous women are true?




  1. Dude where are you getting your info?   Most normal women I know do not prefer bad boys as they can be  real pain in the ***.  

    I think that you have some weird ideas about marriage.  If you really love your partner you won't want to share them with anyone.

  2. Bad boys are fun for play, but by a good guy is where I want to lay.

  3. Women don't get the reputation of "promiscuous" by dating and proposing to nice guys. They've been f'd 3 ways since KidPlay and 9 ways from Sundays by these badboys you've referred to.  

    All women, ALL WOMEN would want a badboy to be 'nice'. That's what they want. They realize all too late sometimes the reality they usually must choose at some point one or the other. Women marry both. This lifepartner ideal  you're talking about is something i'm unfamiliar with. Do you mean 'marriage', or actually staying married for life? Women sleep with bad guys first, they also marry bad guys first. They only come to nice guys once they're dried up and already have a reputation preceding them.

    Why in the Fng h**l would you want to be that nice guy?

  4. You factor in education to decide to marry or not ? I think you should focuse on wifely qualities, not on degrees.

    Also Mr. lower education its very good news for guys (no a), to find not to found I will remain in a and not I will remain in. And I didnt cite all.

  5. They probably would prefer them if they would give them a chance. I'm telling you as a woman myself though that most girls (but not all) are so infatuated with bad boys that they never give good guys a chance, then the bad boy ends up marrying them.

    Ten years down the road though, all they are thinking about is "why didn't I marry the good guy?" We are retarted, I won't lie ;(

  6. until they get older and more responsible yes they like the danger that bad boys bring.The excitement is short lived and when you tire of the c**p you get someone delitefully boring who will bring stablity to your life.

  7. mate, promiscous women, USE them, you don't marry them. seriously, don't do this to yourself.

  8. some boys are for fun, some boys you bring home to meet your parents

    same for girls

  9. yes, loose girls like bad boys? are you kidding?

  10. Eventually, many of them do, but the goods are odd by that point.

    An open marriage where both spouses have equal opportunity and permission to s***w around is one thing, but to settle for a monogamous relationship, if that, with someone who's doing Dallas, Fort Worth, and the rest of the Metroplex is indicative of absolute zero self-respect.  Don't sign up for this.

    If you're a nice guy who doesn't want to change yourself, travel to where more accommodating women are.  If that requires a passport, so be it.

  11. just make sure she signs a pre-nup...that way she doesnt have the freedom of taking you for everything you have

  12. You are going to marry a woman who is going to sleep with other guys?  Are you nuts?

  13. yep

  14. You do not plan on marrying a "promiscuous girl."  You plan on marrying a woman you fall in love with, admire, respect and share a sense of humor with.  

    If she has a past sexual history, it really isn't your business to know about it unless she wants you to know.  The same thing holds true with your sexual history.  Giving each other privacy takes security and balance, but it circumvents jealous fits and tossing hurtful words around.

    It seems to me that you are doing too much thinking.  Just be the guy you are and the right girl will come along.  When you meet her and fall for her, you won't care if she has been bad, good or indifferent, as long as she returns your feelings.

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