
Do psych nurses wear nurse uniforms?

by  |  earlier

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white dress shoes and hose. i was watching a movie where they did. and i got real aroused. the nurse uniform gives the nurse real authority and control over the patient




  1. Generally they don't wear a uniform, even when working in hospital.  

  2. No.  I work @ a mental institution and they wear regular clothes, scrubs when they feel like it.  However the student nurses do wear the traditional uniform while doing a tour.

  3. Not in the UK they don't. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between patients & staff in a psychiatric unit lol!

  4. Not normally.

    For precisely the reasons you stated

  5. I hope your not talking about Nurse Ratchet in "One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest."

  6. Nope we don't.

    (I think you answered why not in your question, authority/ control is not what we are going for).

    General nurses etc still do as it is more appropriate for their jobs in regards to tasks they carry out.

    So if you want to see a nurse in uniform head to a general hospital.

  7. Generally speaking no.


    Oh for goodness sake lighten up Rose C, no one died!

  8. Why don't you go to the psych ward at the hospital and tell them that. you could see psych nurses for a long time.


  9. There is  a name for people like you but being a psychiatric nurse I wont say it, nurses are not there to show there authority, or control the patient they are there to build up trusting relationships and help people, your kind of attitude makes nurses look a joke,I  suppose  I do feel a bit sorry for you as you need to watch a movie to  satisfy  you , grow up and god help you if you ever need any nurse to look after you,

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