
Do pushups help shape man b***s?

by  |  earlier

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this is kind of a silly question, but i wanted to ask.




  1. Not sure EXACTLY what you mean or want, but if you exercise right and long enough, you will eventually begin to tone muscle and become stronger. Push ups help build your pecs (chest muscles) and so does bench pressing. Many other exercises help as well. Of course if you have some extra baggage, you'd probably have to burn that off first, but that will come along with good exercise and healthy eating. But it's not a very good idea to only work one muscle or muscle group all the time. You need to let them rest and work on other muscles. That actually makes your exercises more efficient and you will see results better and faster. Not only that, you wont build up just a few muscles, you would be strengthening your whole body. Also if you do end up only working your pecs, and they become massive (exaggeration, also takes long for those results), but you don't work anything else, you would probably also suffer from bad posture because your back muscles would not be as strong also.


    Pull ups are another great exercise if you can do those. Those will work your back and many other muscles as well. You can do different variations of those, pull ups, chin ups, wide or close grip, underhand, overhand and however you can hang. Also push up variations include doing military push ups (hands closer to each other, preferably right below your shoulders and when you go down, keep your elbows in, don't let them flare out), wide push ups (have hands wider than normal push ups, elbows flaring is ok), standard push ups (hands a bit more out than shoulders, elbows flaring or staying close is pretty much optional also depending how strong you are), and one handers, diamond push ups, clap push ups etc. Lifting weights would be good for you also, just don't try to macho up and overdo it. Pick a weight that lets you do 8-12 reps until you feel the burn. Good leg exercises are squats, lunges, heel raisers. Just be careful and do those properly, don't rush them b/c you could develop knee pain especially at a younger age. Best if you do the work in a complete workout, not sporadically throughout the day. Push ups and pull ups are basically as-many-reps-you-can-do exercises. Other than that, eat healthier and less junk, and sleep well because remember: your muscles actually grow at rest; exercise only breaks them down so that they can then grow more.

  2. they strech out the chest mucsles, making them flatter.

  3. Do you mean you have a fatty chest? Or gynecomastia? or you are trying to build up your chest?   Push ups are a man's must.  50 a day.   If you have a fatty chest, diet and cardio.  if you have that evil g word, only a dr can help..    

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