
Do "ghosts" haunt their grave sights, or where they had previously died?

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Is there any reason to why ghosts haunt the places they choose to resort after they are deceased? Do they always stay relatively close to their grave sights?




  1. not all ghosts stay close to their grave sights

    it maybe true that ghosts haunt place they choose rather than just the graveyards.... common, even they have feelings!!!!

  2. You can move astrally (the only method of movement for a spirit) the same way you can move physically, but you can also teleport yourself instantly to a location, but you need something there (person, place, or thing) that you're connected to in order to anchor yourself to it. As far as anchors go, your strongest anchor in life is always your physical body, and this link is so strong that many still have a very strong anchor into their body even after death, and so most large cemeteries or burial grounds that have been used in the last hundred years have a large number of ghosts haunting them, although most people will probably never notice the majority of the ghosts there.

    Not all ghosts stay close to their bodies though. Many will take off and inhabit places they inhabited in life, some will connect themselves to people they knew in life, and sometimes they'll even attach themselves to people that they've mistaken for people they knew in life. Most of the time the mental state of a ghost is a lot like that of a normal person during a dream. Sometimes they can manage a bit of lucidity, but a lot of the times they're very confused as to what's going on and may not be fully aware that they're dead, what year it is, or exactly what events are happening. Completely lucid ghosts are very rare, although other non-corporeal beings do get mistaken for them at times.

  3. I have read that ghosts need human energy, so cemeteries may be too quiet of a place for them. I have also heard some do stay there too. Could go either way.

  4. No, they usually go back to their place of residence.  Especially if they have some unfinished business.    

  5. No, ghosts haunt drunks, drug users, the gullible, or the just plain stupid. They never haunt intelligent, educated, clear thinking people.

  6. Cemeteries that have activity associated with them are considered portal hauntings for the most part. They serve as an area where some spirits and ghost are able to move from one side to the other. There are very few cemeteries that are actually haunted.  Part of why we investigators do what we do is to figure out what the trigger is that causes some to stay on the other side and some don't.  It is actually unknown how many actually do travel or stay close to their resting place or why.  

  7. I have many recording from grave sites and when asked why they are there they say ,"we live here",take it for whats its worth but thats the answer i get

  8. Ghosts "haunt" different places for different reasons.  Most cemeteries are pretty quiet.  I have seen one though that was very active (Hot Springs, AR), but generally ghosts will frequent places they did in life.  Example, my mom's dad follows her around with the smell of cigarette smoke.  My grandmother can hear her last husband grumbling in their trailer.  Other times ghosts will seek out those who are open to their presence.    

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