
Do "thumbs down" take any points away from us in Paranormal?

by  |  earlier

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I saw that we get 1 pt. for thumbs up...up to 50 pts...Is that TOTAL 50..or 50 a week or month or what? Did I read somewhere one time that so many thumbs down add up to a "report" or something like that? I can't find much information on it.How many violations can you get before they take away all your pts. etc and close your account? I don't know where to find all this information. Thanks!




  1. I'm not certain--but my take on it is---50 pts. is a one time thing---as odd as that sounds.

    Personally, I don't care about thumbs up or down.

    Interestingly, this question really got me thinking about the way I live my  life. I don't care what others opinions are about my thoughts or actions. I try to live my life honorably---the best I can. I have learned that some people are never going to be happy about everything.. You can please some of the people some of the time...but not all of the people all of the time.

    ***grandma's favorite quote***

  2. Thumbs down, don't worry about it.If I get a lot of them on a certain answer,I like it.Maybe it means I made a valid point.The downer knows it and doesn't like it.Others will do it just because they know me or think they do.I don't mind that either.A thumbs down is a thumbs up pointing in the wrong direction.That's how I look at it.

  3. thumbs down does nothing, except if you give someone a thumbs down, it will close their answer on your screen and you can graze past it without reading it.

    Its kind of a dumb feature, which seems to be more for people who spend 8 hours or more a day answering questions then anyone else.

    There are those on Y!A who go around thumb downing people. Its kind of immature and shows a lack of intelligence, as the majority of questions in this section are subject to multiple viewpoints, and all are welcome, even if not agreed to, by anyone who is trying to get to the truth.

  4. Nope, a thumbs-down doesn't do anything to you, but a thumbs up on a best answer will give you an extra point. For example, if you get 5 thumbs up and 3 thumbs down on a best answer, you still get 5 extra points even though you have the 3 thumbs down. You could theoretically get up to an extra 50 bonus points from thumbs-up on an answer, but I've never seen that many before.

    From what I've read, Y!A pays no attention to the thumbs down you accumulate. If they did, I'd probably not be here anymore :)

  5. You get 1 extra point for every thumbs up.  You do not lose any points for thumbs down.  It's just someone's way of showing you they disagree with your answer.  The only time you lose points is if your question or answer are flagged and removed.  I do not know how many violations are required to close an account.  Luckily, thanks to my good behavior :-), I haven't had to find out.  I do know quite a few people who have had to create multiple accounts though, so it does happen.

    Here's the Y!A info page:;_ylt...

  6. Deenie:  

    A few months ago one of the YQA FAQs had something about 5 thumbs-downs = a report.  I've been unable to find it recently, so I think that piece of the YQA operation might have been eliminated when they re-vamped things a while back.

    Account or membership suspensions seem to go two different ways.  

    Some while back I had my account with YQA suspended because of a series of approximately 30 violations which I'd appealed,  but the appeals had gone unanswered.  About three weeks later the appeals evidently got attention and they restored my account.

    However, evidently some types of violations, or flagrant repeated violations result in deletion of the entire Yahoo account, including email rights and Yahoo Group Membership rights [some groups vanished because the owners lost Yahoo Membership and Email rights].  

    I've known of several members this happened to.  Although what they'd posted that I'd personally seen didn't appear flagrant, evidently a lot of people have multiple IDs and might do their violating on one [or several] while appearing completely innocent on others.

    Hope this helps.


    Edit:  I just had a pop-up "ALERT -10 POINTS" show up at the top of my screen.  I haven't gotten any Violation Reports today, so I can only assume some question I'd answered has been deleted, or some accumulation of thumbs-downs does subtract points.  [The 'scientists' on Astronomy and Space are peculiarly fond of thumbs-downing answers they dislike].

    Edit 2:  Correction.  I just got the violation notice.  A question I asked:  Alexander Chuvyrov's Map - peer reviews or post-2004 interview follow-ups? [concerning claims made by a team of Russian and Chinese physicists concerning an ancient UFO site] was deleted almost immediately after my posting it here.

    Sorry for the initial error.  J

  7. what the/!

  8. The primary reason that the "scientists" on the Astronomy and Space section give a lot of thumbs downs is to warn questioners that the information is inaccurate.  Generally, the questions are pretty much black and white and opinions on that forum are reserved for aliens, ufos, and 2012 end of the world questions.

  9. For every 50 points I recieve i lose 20 points on Violation notices. Someone has it out for me and I have it out for them. WAR.

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