
Do "vegetarians and vegans" know about gummy bears?

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do u eat gummy bears or worms anything gummy? well unless ur buying the vegetarian/vegan gummy bears... ur not a vegetarian

didu know wat makes it gummy is something called bovine or porcine and it comes from pig, calf and other like the bison ? its the part of the intestine that makes it gummy...same thign with gum

sorry to ruin ur dreams

yum yum yum




  1. Tell your stupid sister that gelatin comes from bones, tendons, skin and other connective tissue, not from intestines.

  2. of course.  no news here, maybe to you.

    i would imagine you just can't wait to tell your children that santa is not real.  you might want to do it early, so they don't yet hear it from school.


  3. #1  gelatin is not vegan or vegetarian.

    so this question is irrelvelant.

    and gelatin products of any kind suck a**s.

  4. tell your sister shes an idiot, vegetarians are vegetarian to shwo they dont support killing animals that can feel, and yes, most indeed to buy the vegetarian gummys, i just dont eat them at all. tell your sister to try eating only vegeatbles and starch and see how she feels

    you seem sweet but shes a ***** =]

  5. I think they are aware of that. They even knew that sugarfree gum and jello has geletin in it.

  6. I have yet to meet a vegetarian who isn't aware of the fact that gelatin comes from animals. However, if you're going to try to "inform" you should get your facts right. The gummy stuff is gelatin. Gelatin comes from skin/bones/hooves, not the intestine. (Rennet comes from calf stomach, but it's not in gummies.) Bovine means of a cow. Porcine means of a pig. They're adjectives, not nouns, and therefore cannot be ingredients.

    We also know about the bugs that make the red dye. And the seaweed that goes into ice cream. Did you?

  7. that was stupid. haha.

    vegetarians eat animal products, just not meat.

    VEGANS don't eat any animal products, and if someone is that invested and passionate in their vegan life style OBVIOUSLY they know that. Actually everyone i know knows. and it's called gelatin.

  8. I'm a vegetarian, and I did know that.  There are some gummy candies that are vegetarian, though.

  9. Yes, we know about gummi bears.

    We also know about Mini Wheats, Pop Tarts, Skittles, Starburst, gum and marshmellows.

    We also know about make-up, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, hair products, hand lotion, shaving cream, medications, sunscreen, chapstick, car tires, Wal-Mart and republicans.

    Sorry to interrupt your smart-@ss delusions of grandure.

  10. They're not suppose to, but some do anyway. They also have cartilage, bones, and ivory too. Horse Hooves! But vegans all know that, most, i think. Gummy bears are good though. But at the nutrition store by me, they have tropical vegan gummy bears. I like them even better!

  11. So, despite your editing I just felt like correcting a few previous posters.

    Nearly all vegetarians do NOT eat gelatin. While vegetarians will eat SOME animal products, we will not eat ones that involve the death of an animal.

    And while vegans often do more research on what does and does not come from animals, vegetarians will know the basics, like where gelatin comes from. We do NOT just keep eating jell-o until some nice vegan comes and tells us it's wrong. Most of us are not idiots.

  12. I'm sure commeted vegetarians do their research and don't rely on someone like you to tell them what they can and cannot eat.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.


  13. Yeah, most vegetarians don't know this stuff.... but vegans do!

    there's some nasty stuff!

    but there are still many candies and things that are vegan... try twizzlers, for one!

    look it up online, guys! check out for some candy that doesnt have the bones of animals in them!

  14. Yes, I do know that. It makes me sad...I miss sour worms and red frogs.. *sigh*

    I tried some vegan ones once... they weren't very nice. So i just have to do without... I think I miss lollies more then meat...

  15. Oh your god, we don't eat gummy bears... XD

  16. yup and the twenty thousand other candies i cant eat.

  17. If that were true, you would have just deleted the question.  Nice try.

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