
Do rabbit feel pain,like the type of pain that when its separated from its parents?

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I heard that some pets stores or all idk lol get their rabbits from farms and when somebody buys a rabbit, it separates it from its friends and family. Does the rabbit get depressed or anything? cuz thats REALLY sad.......Do rabbits get sad when its separated from its friends of family..? cuz i want to buy a rabbit and i dont' want to buy 2 or more and im scared it might get really sad T^T please help..!




  1. The rabbit will be fine! In the wild they will go off anyway.

    Your rabbit will have you as its new best friend to play with and get cuddles from.

    So go get yourself a rabbit they are great pets, and it will love having you looking after it spoiling it rotten.

  2. No because you will be it's new friend  

  3. no, they are born to be seperated.... their mother is going to leave him if he is able to find food.

  4. no , in the wild they would go off and find different groups and warrens and stuff so just fink of yourself as its new group and warren , just spend about 45 mins with it a day feed it and water it every day and clean it twice a week -xstephanyx-

  5. no. you will be fine, and so will the rabbit. all you have to do from keeping it depressed is spend like 20 minutes a day with it. i bought one about a week ago, and now every time i come into my room, she tries to push the door of her cage open to come play with me. :] mine is a lop. im not sure, but i would assume all rabbits are like this. good luck with your new rabbit [if you get one]

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