
Do rats bite?

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do rats bite wire cages at night it just the this would really anoyme and can rats fit through gutter pipes because they are quite big




  1. yes they bite and they can fit through gutter pipes

  2. Some rats will bite the bars of there cage but others don't. If you are worried about that you can get a tank instead of a cage although they aren't as good. I think they might be able to get though gutter pipes it depends how big they are.

  3. Rats will gnaw on their cage wires (unless you get them some substitute chews like a wooden shelter box or short lengths of beef bone.

    AS for fitting through gutter pipes, if you can slip a quarter under it a full grown rat can squeeze under it. Their skulls and rib cages are mostly cartilage and can collapse easily.

  4. yup! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  5. Oh yeah

  6. anything with a mouth can bite.

  7. Yes rats could bite. I have a hamster and when I first got him he bit me.

  8. yes rats like to bite wire cages not people they love to l**k people, but yes they like the feeling of chewing on wire (don't know why) but when they chew it; it is not loud because they use their gums to chew it i have three rats in my room at night well sometimes they sleep with me, but sometimes they sleep in their cage, and yes a rat can fit in a gutter pipe very easily a full grown rat just needs its head to fit though and the body will fit too like some grown rats can fit though a hole the size of a quarter

  9. yes they bite their cages, all rodents do that

    yes they fit through the pipes... unless they are morbidly obesse or something

  10. Yes they Bite their cages and they can fit though gutter pipes.

  11. Yes, a rat would most likely gnaw on the bars of a wire cage at night - they are nocturnal, and all rodents are hard-wired to chew. An alternative to a wire cage, as already mentioned, is a glass aquarium tank.

    However, I wouldn't suggest getting an aquarium tank for a rat, because it doesn't provide enough air circulation. Unless you cleaned the cage every day (which could get quite expensive), the ammonia from their urine would suffocate them.

    Incase you were considering a rat as a pet, might I suggest a gerbil, instead of a rat? Gerbils are one of the few small animals that don't pee very often, because they naturally live in the desert and must conserve their water. (This also makes their cages stay smelling fresher.) Unlike rats, gerbils do really well in tanks. (Use at least a 10 gallon tank for two gerbils, and keep 2 or more gerbils at a time because they get lonely.) Wire cages aren't good for gerbils though because they tend to kick out the bedding when they burrow, and they chew on the bars (like all rodents).

    I'm not sure about rats being able to fit through gutter pipes, though. I guess it depends on what kind of rat it is, whether it's male or female (males tend to be bigger), etc. Hope that helps!
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