
Do rats like to exercise?

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my rat hates to get into her ball and i am working on getting a bigger one but my mom said that they do not like to cary their tails around

so therefor they donot like to exercise is that true




  1. no not an excersize ball its too small

  2. Rats usually hate those balls. They get around by smell and touch and the ball doesn't allow them to know where they are going. Also, the ball should be large enough that they do not have to bend their necks or tails much, which could cause spine damage.

    But most rats love wheels. Once again, it must be 12" or more to avoid spine damage.

  3. IT's a lie. They love and need excercise. They should have a rat proofed room to run in.

  4. Exercise balls are actually quite uncomfortable for rats. An exercise wheel inside their cage is more appropriate, and some rats will not use those, either.

    Best exercise is to let your rat have some free roam time outside the cage. A clean bathroom with the door closed provides plenty of open area to stretch their legs and romp around.

    P.S. Rats do best in pairs, and are more willing to run/romp around when they have someone to interact with.

  5. Rats, just like other rodents, need and like exercise. If your rat doesn't like the ball, provide a wheel in the cage, or give him a rat proof room to run around in.

  6. Rats love exercise! What your mom said was not quite true.

    Rat balls are not that fun for a rat and most rats can get very scared when they are in it. You need to provide them proper exercise by letting them roam around the house or in a certain room. If you want you can buy a rat pen for outside and let them run outside in their pen (it will give them some fresh air too).

    Exercise is very important in a rats` life so make sure you provide it or they can become obese and bored (not very fun sitting in their cage all day). Pick a time of the day wear you can provide 30 - 60 minutes of exercise or split it up and give them a couple of runs a day in shorter amounts.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  7. Most rats usually don't like exercise balls, although I don't know if it has anything to do with their tails. They're very smart, and an exercise ball can be pretty boring. Create a playpen sort of area in your room so he can't get under anything or get into anything dangerous and let him play on the floor or on your bed. Make him things to climb on or play with. :} They like bird toys.

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