
Do really smart people with really high IQs view the masses as basically just kinda smart animals ?

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the smart people build rockets and go to the moon and cure stuff and all that, meanwhile the rest of everyone just kill each other and argue and steal and ruin stuff. or be useless either way. do the geniuses feel like a different species or what?




  1. Yes, or sometimes perhaps even as not-so-smart animals. But as a different species? No.

  2. Some geniuses have another world but they aren't a different species,they somewhat like minding their own.

    I observed that some of the smart people are wearing glasses never understood by other people,why they are like that and that.

    {The sentence 'the rest of everyone just kill each other and argue and steal and ruin stuff' is like a man who doesn't have that he want to have.}....hihihi...i think it doesn't answer your question...but t gives a clue!

  3. Geniuses I know don't take masses as useless creation. I don't know how they feel about themselves but they are special. They have invested in their energies and got rewards. Most of geniuses don't want special treatment and they practice living humbly in real life too by themselves as close as possible.

  4. Lets just say there's as much IQ difference between an IQ 160 person and IQ 100 person than there is estimated IQ difference between a human and a chimp.

  5. Knowledge without wisdom is a load of books on the back on an as-s.

    - Japanese proverb

  6. Really smart people even view themselves as smart animals.Because that's all what we really are.

  7. "Do really smart people with really high IQs view ..."

    Versus the 'really smart' people who don't have 'really high' IQ's?  And at what point does a smart person become a 'really smart' person?

    But to answer your question, smart people can't be grouped together into one opinion with regards to people in general.

    IQ is a measure of how much brain power a person has.  It is not a measure of education, common sense, emotional maturity or knowledge.  To use an analogy to computers, IQ measures your CPU speed, not what programs you run or the data on your hard drive.

  8. Truly smart people think EVERYONE is stupid.  I'm a lot smarter than someone who plays the lottery, but I'm going to grow old, struggle to find happiness, waste my time, and die like everyone else, so how smart can I or anyone else be?

  9. Genius and common sense are two different things

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