
Do really think Global Warming is real....what do you think??

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i need your opinion




  1. Yes,

    Map: Global Warming Effects

    Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

  2. We have hurt the earth, but have to understand the earth changes too. There is much we do not understand. We are only a page in its existence. The news is corrupt. I think it goes through cycles.

  3. Absolutaly not the world goes in cycles. the Ice Age wasn't normal weather but it happened and it wasn't mankind to control it it is God' s job. i an not saying we can do whatever we want to do to God's world. we can not do that. be careful but not extreme

  4. No it seems to get colder every winter !

  5. I think its real but people arent going to do anything about it so I have decided to sit back and let the world heat up and become a desert.

  6. Yes

  7. Not real. I mean it's real but they hype it too much in the news. Many things have happened always..not just nowadays

  8. Yeah I do

  9. Well, you are entitled to your opinion. However, I wonder how you explain the natural climatic events that have occurred?

    I believe that the extensive scientific research is compelling, and we are seeing the effects of Global Warming taking place right now.

  10. yea its real ..“The results are in – and the reality of global warming is beyond dispute or debate. It’s not just an environmental issue. It’s an urgent matter of survival for everyone on the planet — the most urgent threat facing humanity today. It’s going to take action from you and all of us working together.”

  11. Yes, I do, and have for over 30 years.

    I remember when I was a child I could look up and see a powder-blue sky. Now, all I see is a dull gray. All the pollution we've added since the Industrial Revolution has shrouded the planet in a thermal blanket and it will only get worse.

    We weren't here in the previous warming/cooling periods, but in a short 200 years have added billions of tons of pollutants to the atmosphere.

    All the naysayers are just hiding their heads in the sand because it's easier to believe the critics than to take personal and political responsibility and action.

  12. if you want opinions and not facts, then i think that global warming if just a bunch of balony that Al Gore uses to make a name for himself....and to make it a pain in the *** to buy gas without ethinal

  13. of course it's real!!!

  14. even pat robertson believes in it, and he's the most dingbatyest of all the wakko fox news numbnuts

  15. it is a natural process, but humans have sped up the process.  the people who act like it doesn't exist only speed up the process, the people who freak out are blowing it way out of proportion.

    I'm not just referring to Al Gore's movie, I've actually done some research (unlike most of the lazy *** human race) and found that the earth's temperature has risen a few degrees.  Not to the degree of huge heatwaves that will destroy the earth in seconds, but it's gradually changing climates and landscapes.

    i don't think, i know it's real.  I try to help slow it up some (from what humans have done).  I can't stop it or slow it down to a huge magnitude, but i can do my part.  People have to think of the future generations, the ones that don't (i'm going to be judgmental in a second so brace yourselves) are selfish.

  16. its killing the ozone and that will kill us so recycle and kill factories. SAVE THE WORLD

  17. It's real, and so is global cooling.  No one really knows what the optimum temperature of the earth is.

    Also, it's debatable what causes it.  There are many who are so sure they are right that they won't listen to anything that differs from their beliefs.

    Ironically, the latest stats from NASA show that we've actually been cooling since 1998.  So for all we know, we're already in a cooling period.

    Warming periods historically are better for life on the planet, but we can live through another cooling period just like they did between 1945 and 1975.  If people made it through that cooling period, I'm sure we can make it through another one.   Expect gas to go up since we'll need more to heat our homes.  I wish we could drill for oil cuz we're going to need it.

  18. There certainly isn't any harmful global warming caused by humans.  It is remotely possible that CO2 emitted by man might some day warm things to the point where the harm outweighs the benefits but it seems pretty unlikely to me and certainly not in any of our children's lifetimes. Warming is generally beneficial and those that pretend that it is not generally are pushing a liberal agenda.  Most of them are all too eager to believe anything that puts industry or human kind in general in a bad light.

  19. Althogh we do pollute a lot, and the ice caps are melting(very, very slowly) it may just be a change in temperatre.  Earth has gone through a lot of extremes like the Ice Age so it could just be a temperature change.  My mom said when she was little they said the Earth was going to get colder and colder until it was another Ice Age so it could be nothing.

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