
Do recruiters get bonuses for recruiting people??

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Do recruiters get bonuses for recruiting people??




  1. I have a lot of respect for recruiters. A lot! In my opinion they rarely lie, many have misconceptions about things they can QUALIFY for, but sometimes they never do qualify. So they don't get the incentives and people get upset, totally natural! But my recruiters have been some of the best people I've met. They are all real, I told them I didn't care about benefits or anything, just wanted to be a soldier, cause it was my calling. Well nonetheless.... I got all the incentives, bonus, kikr, student loan repayment.. everything..

    Also, these guys have families too. Their jobs aren't only 9-5 Monday thru Friday... my recruiters had to take me to a language test at 7am. So it's not an easy job and it takes away from personal times.  

  2. Don't get me wrong recruiters can be annoying but these guys works hard and long hours. They put in a lot of effort to get people to realize military is a good path.

  3. no, it's their job.  they get a small bonus for becoming a recruiter,like if they changed MOS's.

  4. No they do not.

    It is part of their job to recruit a certain number of people, based on the history of where they are recruiting.

    No matter if they recruit 10 or a 100, their pay check is the same.

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