
Do refrigerators need to remain upright?

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Im moving a fridge, does it have to travel upright, or can I lay it on its side?




  1. if it is turned on it's side, you must set it upright and let it sit 24 hours before plugging it back in. If you transport it upright, you don't have to wait.

  2. Bull has the right answer,if ya lay it down,leave it upright for at least 24 hours before plugging it back in,otherwise you risk damage from lack of compressor oil,and refrigerant needs to cycle back also.

  3. Oil runs out of the compressor when the fridge is layed on side or back. This could lead to a large expensive repair.

    When it is layed on its side say for 30mins to 2 hours allow 24 - 48 hours for the oil to go back into compressor. You should be fine.

    Problems occur when people lay down a fridge then when arriving at destination they plug it in without allowing oil to return to compressor.


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