
Do religions have anything to offer other than the doomsday plots & apocalyptic warnings?

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That heaven & h**l concept it simple and straight forward.

If non-believers didn't get it in the first 5 seconds then they never will so what else do religions have to offer?




  1. Apparently you didn't get it in the first five seconds. No prob, it was probably not explained very clearly.

    Belief is not about fire insurance. It's about having a relationship with the God of the universe. If you choose to miss out on that, that is your decision. I'm afraid I can't do it justice by trying to explain what you could have had.

  2. Actually, they do.  Religion provides a sense of support and community to its adherents.  But I doubt that this is worth the intellectual corruption that it entails.

  3. The deeper into the heart of darkness you go, the more the dark begins to appeal to you...

  4. Yes, Christianity offers love, hope, and many other good things

  5. If you cannot see the benefits of peace and love, I feel sorry for you.

  6. The problem is that being a Christian requires you to be selfless, and since all you care about is what's in it for you, it's no wonder you have a problem with religion.

  7. Well, my religion has neither.

    Your problem there is with the only two religions in the world that preach heaven for believers and h**l for nonbelievers.

    And those are Christianity and Islam.

    The rest of the world that follows every other religion seem to get quite a lot out of their religions other than those premises.

  8. they offer absoulutly nothing. Religion is science's worse enemy in my opinion  

  9. I have constant peace, joy in my heart, wisdom for life, the presence of the Living God in my heart filling me with a sense of love and acceptance and a genuine desire to see others prosper and do well.

    I have brothers and sisters who truly care about me, and the promise of eternal life.

    I have the evidence in my life that the things recorded in the Scripture are true.

    I had the experience of being born of the Spirit before I ever knew it was recorded in the Word of God. So I have my personal experience confirmed by the testimony of Jesus Christ and recorded over 1900 years ago.

    I have exceeding great and precious promises through which I become a partaker of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through uncontrolled hurtful desires.

    I could go on.

    What do you have?

    Anything stored up for the future?

  10. I know it's long but please read

    Hiya I'm a christian ( which means I have a relationship with Jesus Christ - I don't spend my all my time at a church doing wacko religious stuff - I have a relationship no strings attached)

    Knowing about 'doomsday' or the end times is a bonus - a warning.  I don't like it when 'christians' threaten non christians with warnings of the end times in a futile attempt to scare them into becoming a christian.  

    Becoming a christian is more than going to heaven - It's knowing and accepting that Jesus Christ died to save us from all our future and past sins.  Only when we accept this marvelous gift can we have a real relationship with God.  A father son/daughter relationship.  This is a verse from the Bible - it's John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (God sent his only son to die on the cross), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life( eternal life is eternal life and an eternal relationship).

    I can't tell you how wonderful it is having God in my life - I don't know how I could get by without Him.  It's great being able to ask him to help me and know He will and It's fabulous when He talks to me in my heart and I know it's Him.  

    Sorry for the sermon

    God bless you


  11. Try won't get any of that 'heaven/h**l,' 'apocalypse' stuff!

  12. Not all religions teach those things

  13. Well 'religions', plural, don't all have to do with heaven and h**l. In fact, it's a pretty modern concept in terms of religious history.

    I don't pay much attention to the afterlife. Right now, I'm focused on the lessons I need to learn in this life. I enjoy life, I have fun, but I take the time to think about a deeper meaning sometimes. I just look at it like a reminder to think in a complex manner, and not just about the here-and-now, or only about myself or my immediate surroundings.

    Simple moral code - don't hurt anyone. If you do, be prepared for to repay that karmic debt. Otherwise, it's all good.

    No damnation. Just happiness.

    edit - But if it's not your thing, no big. Not everyone is built for religion. As long as you're happy.

  14. Something to turn to when all else fails.  It is usually what keeps some people from killing themselves when things go awry.  They feel that their belief in God will help them out of their problems.  Sometimes that is all they have.

  15. The true religion is offering the unfailing love of God to humanity.  God is so merciful and gracious to His creation that He do not want any of His creation go to h**l.  That is the reason God send His only Son for the payment of our sin.  Is not because of the consequences of sin but what Jesus has done to the calvary for you and me.  It's a gift from God.  It's up to us if we want to received that gift or not.  It's like I'm offering you a free  brand new car with leather interior and everything in it.  It's up to you if you want to received it or not.  No twisting arm your decision to make.  Comparing about living in eternity to 40, 50, 70, or 100 yrs life on earth is nothing to compare with.   The true religion offering is eternal life through Jesus Christ and not about the warnings of the last day.   The warning of the last day will never change but your destination on that day can be change by your choice. FYI is not a religion is a relationship to God.

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