
Do religious holidays belong in the school curriculum? & why?

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Do religious holidays belong in the school curriculum? & why?




  1. Yes, ALL religious holidays belong in the school curriculum.  :-P

    Each and every single one of them.

    (There are way more religious holidays than secular ones.  I'll take the trade-off, thanks!)

  2. why not?

  3. Not really.  They get the "Christian" holidays off, but there are a lot more Jewish holidays on their calendar.  If we tried to give equal time to every denomination, school would never be in session

  4. eh, depends on how deeply you are going to go into that holiday.  Christmas as it has been secularized I don't see a problem with, nor do I see a problem with Valentines day or St Patrick's day.  Why because they are fun.

    Mind you I prefer a very religious Christmas, but I also know enough that not everyone is religious or christian.  So the secular version works for a substitute.

  5. Yes, culture is a common thread of a society.  

  6. How many religions are we talking about here. There is at least one family from every country on the planet living in the USA.

  7. many parents would take their kids out of school on, say, Hanukkah or Christmas [just examples], anyway, and the schools would have significantly less people attending on those days anyway, so they might as well save money on transportation-bus service, gas prices, etc, and cancel school on a day when they wouldnt teach much for the sake of not wanting the kids who are not there to be behind.

  8. I presume you're talking about the public school curriculum. Private and parochial schools can include whatever holidays they wish into their curricula. But because public schools are open to everyone, the public educational system has an obligation to keep religious doctrine out of its curricula. It would be impossible to include all religious elements into the curriculum, so, to be fair, none of them should be included. Public schools should remain secular to maintain separation of church and state. That means no prayers, no services, no literature.

  9. NO

    If there is enough time in the school day for that, there is enough time in the school day for more core subjects.  Our country is lagging behind most other countries in math, sciences and technology.  We don't need religion to bring the test scores even lower.

  10. No they don't, I think most people would like them to stay though.

  11. NO.  There are so many different religions that have different holidays that no time would be left for other essential studies (math, science, english, etc...).

    edit to Suzie-- your same "logic" could be applied to the issue of segregation of the races, don't you know?  By your "logic" we should return to having separate white and black schools by law.  Is that what you want?

  12. Our system work better when we had prayer in school verses now. Children were taught about God right from wrong. The children were better then than now.

  13. Christmas is a secular holiday. It is really a pagan holiday with a passage from the Bible sort of thrown in there and the name changed.

    Easter, also secular. With the same story as Christmas without the name change.

    These holidays are American traditions that are celebrated by the majority of people. There are secular aspects that encompass everyone.

    We don't need to add religious holidays into school curriculum. The "religious" holidays we have are well spaced though out the year so everyone gets a break for the same reason, see family, have fun, and take a break.

    Leave religious holidays to religious schools

  14. Yes. Certain holidays are part of the tradition of the US.

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