
Do religious people usually dislike scientists?

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I mean Christians specifically




  1. Not really. The problem religion tends to view itself as an absolute truth that everyone has to adhere to, and when science discovers something that totally shatters certain absolute truths that religion claims, of course they're not going to take it lying down. Well, they're the same in that aspect, but science does use concrete experimentation and observation to back its claims.

    That's because if a part of the teachings and concepts of an institution that considers itself the absolute truth is wrong, then it ruins their credibility. That's why they try to use their own brand of reasoning to shoot down the competition.

    Take Astronomy for a lesson. Galileo and Copernicus have proven to the world many scientific truths (Earth revolves around the Sun, stars are giant balls of hot gasses), and they got excommunicated from the Catholic Church for telling the truth.

  2. I'm a christian and I don't dislike anyone to the extent you imply....

    just because I don't agree with what they have to say, doesn't mean I hate them!

    If you aren't a christian, do you hate me for being one?

    Any christian that "hates" a group of people is mistaken in some way or another.

  3. My boyfriend's father is a theoretical physicist based in a small conservative town, and his family has received a number of abusive phone calls from Christians.

  4. Religious people usually dislike homosexuals and atheists

  5. No. In Islam a learned man is ranked higher than a pious man. The Prophet (SAW) thought that the learned man is like a full moon while the pious man is like a star.

  6. No, religious do NOT dislike scientists. They may have different viewpoints than some of them (i.e. the whole "millions of years" thing), but they don't "dislike" scientists. Some scientists are religious people too.

  7. Only those who take their religion very literally. For example some Christians believe that the world was create in seven days, while others accept the scientific view, and believe that science is compatible with belief in God, and that the stories in the Bible are meant to be parables, not always literal facts.

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