
Do religious people who accuse Atheists/Agnostics of NOT having faith realise their lie?

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Atheists/Agnostics have the true faith. It is faith in themselves and that is the purest, most adaptable type of faith.

Religious people have deluded faith in some invisible god. There is the lie. Religious people deny themselves the truth and their spirit will wither and die.




  1. You don't see your cells' DNA unless you have some amazing electron microscopes or some such powerful equipment.  You don't see electrons, you can only note their traces on film.  Most of us take what science tells us in good faith.

    Likewise, religious people have faith in things unseen because they have received other evidence, say, a feeling, witness from those who feel the presence of a deity or spirit.  

    The religious people may be concerned for your own everlasting life.  What comes off as an accusation may be an expression of concern.  What might seem like truth to you may seem like avoidance to them.  Maybe you can talk about this with a better ear to the other persons' perceptions and ideas, rather than trying to shout each other down or cut each other down.

  2. I just don't want to live my life by a 2,000 years old book and I don't see how the Bible could be the absolute truth after being written in the 14th century AFTER monotheism was introduced in Egypt...where Moses was from. It's another addition to western literature. And there may be something out there. We wouldn't know. Perhaps there's God of some kind or something else, or there's no God. I'm just happy about who I am.

  3. Perhaps we should start a church...? I'll head the treasury department

  4. I don't agree. No-one has a handle on the absolute truth. I have my own beliefs that don't conform to any orthodox religion and I certainly don't claim the truth, even though some of it might be true.

    Faith is a personal matter. You can have faith in God, or you can have faith in humanity, or spirit, or whatever else.

    I don't believe that religious people are deluded any more than someone who doesn't follow religion.

    Delusion is something else and it's possible to have delusions about all sorts of things that have nothing to do with religion.

    The greatest enemy to the human condition is IMO intolerance, and anyone can be guilty of that, just as a religous person can be accepting and welcoming of others who differ.

  5. I don't have faith in anything and that's not a bad thing.  Religious people twist it to mean that I don't care about anything.  Not true.  It only means that I don't believe in anything without evidence.  To me that's a good trait.

  6. There is a saying that a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client & you can say the same about someone who has absolute faith in himself !

    Doomed to fail...

  7. i suppose you have a point, but i think it comes down to definition. for me, i'm not religious, i don't believe in god. i kind of see faith as being belief without proof or evidence, or even belief despite evidence to the contrary, and as a scientists, i'm very much not in to that, i would rather admit i don't know something, and maybe never will, then believe an explanation which has no real support.

    but then again i suppose maybe the one thing in the world i really could have faith in is myself, because i am me, i know who i am, i know the kind of person i am and i can be sure on that, so i suppose i do have faith in myself, but more in the sense that it's the one thing i can be really sure about, the evidence is implicit in my existence. so it comes back to definition.

  8. Tsk! yea ok

  9. God may be invisible. But consider this: Have you ever seen the wind? You can feel the wind blowing, and you can see the consequence of wind blowing; what it does to the leaves of the trees, to the waves, to people with long hair, etc. The same is with God.

    I don't think anyone is accusing you of not believing, Christians  will never accuse you about not believing, just warn you about the horrible thing you are doing by not accepting God as a higher being than yourself.  

  10. You know what dude for the most part I'll give this one to ya. I am a Christian; and I have more or less bashed atheists for years; not much so on here but other sites and sometimes in real life. I still believe in God and always will; but you have made me realize something I had not before. I think you miss out on a lot by not believing in God; but yes, faith in one's self is good, very good. Depending on one's self is good. Faith in the human race is good. In fact; I'll even go so far as to say that I believe God WANTS us to learn to depend on ourselves and not lean on Him 100% for every little thing.

    So I think you got what you wanted; a Christian saying that you are right.

  11. Well for us Christians we will never, again, never, have faith in ourselves. The reason being is that's what bought us to Christ in the first place. Thinking we could run our life our way. The end result, feeling worthless, unloved, trapped, and having no direction. When I read your statement about faith this scripture came to mind.

    1 Peter 1:8-9

    1Pe 1:8   Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,

    1Pe 1:9   for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

    And no, I've never accused anyone of not having faith. And NO, I'm not RELIGIOUS. usually refuse to even use that word to describe myself. The reason being, is because religious people follow a set of rules like zombies just to please their "God." And you can choose what you want to believe and I'll never put you down for that, but stating

    "Religious people have deluded faith in some invisible god. There is the lie. Religious people deny themselves the truth and their spirit will wither and die."

    Kinda makes you a hypocrite because you are making your beliefs as the one all end all belief. So, to sum it up, you're kinda like those religious people talking about other peoples lack of faith.

  12. erm, some agnostics are theists.

  13. Shouldn't Atheists/Agnostics ask, "What is truth?" before declaring their way is true?  

    Shouldn't Atheists/Agnostics ask if there is a "right" or "wrong" before calling someone else wrong?

    As Atheists/Agnostics can't tell you that the idea of truth and right are real and not fictitious creations of man to make their own opinions to appear more important than the really are, their puffed up argument based on inflating their own value quickly expels its noxious gas.  Who made you the condemning judge when you as an Atheists/Agnostics can't trace the evolution of "truth" or "right"?

    To make the point:  Do you also condemn all those in mankind's evolutionary line or just theists?  

    Do you run up to a bear who jumped a fence to eat the farmer's sheep and argue with the bear about property rights and how wrong it is to eat the sheep because it was on the farmer's property?  If not, then why would you argue with a man who broke into your house?  Why should he "know better" if no other animal on the planet "knows better?"

    What Atheists/Agnostics do know is they evolved from dust and will return to dust.  The spirit you speak of is a factious feeling caused by a chemical reaction in the brain.  It is a false association between a chemical reaction and something being true.  To the real Atheists/Agnostics, there is no true or right as these are man made.

    So to the Atheists/Agnostics, a mother nursing is not different than the mother having a partial birth abortion as both are "right" to follow the path they have chosen for themselves.  Nor can the Atheists/Agnostics say that Mother Teresa was different than Hitler as they both did what was right for them.  And Hitler believed in himself like the Muslim terrorists killing the innocent believe in themselves.  So much for this type of faith being pure.

    However, doing what is right for the theist is wrong?  How is this inconsistancy possible?  The lie lies with the Atheists/Agnostics because they have no truth.

  14. No you dont-

  15. Why did Bearbones get two thumbs down? She's right. Some agnostics ARE theistic. I'm not one of those agnostics, but at least I know that we can't all be pigeonholed into a single definition like strict atheists and religious theists.

  16. To believe that one must be being led and/or seduced by devils and/or doctrines of demons...

  17. Many (except a few) Believers are ignorant. They cannot grasp the fact that we can have faith in real things and do good.

  18. Even as a group there is trouble sorting these ideas because of the careless use of language. 1. A "lie" is an untruth that is told with the intent to deceive. To say that someone is lying is to impute motive to them. A person can simply be repeating an "untrue" statement. We are ALL "ignorant" of some things. We can simply be "ignorant" that what we are saying is not "correct".

    2. Since, scientifically, the existence of God can not be proven or disproven, Christians AND atheists have made an EMOTIONAL decision to believe or disbelieve. IT CAN NOT BE FACT BASED!

    3. BOTH sides know that there is A truth. ONE or the other is true - NOT BOTH.

    4. ALL EACH SIDE HAS are factual "EVIDENCES" backing up their "emotional" choice.

    We can all learn something from each other, but only if we start using language correctly. EXAMPLE: I read a question once; "Are you for or against abortion? Why?" Now I bet everybody reading this knows this person wanted people to say if they were for it or against it and then tell why. But here was one answer. "Yes". "Because I had to make up my mind". We are not thinking when we ask and when we answer each other.

    "Right" and "wrong" are moral judgments. "Correct" and "incorrect" are "factual" conditions. An "untruth" is a falsehood. A "Lie" is an INTENT to deceive.

    Your question is about a complicated subject. How are we ever going to understand each other if we don't communicate better than we are now doing?    

  19. Faith is the mindset and set of actions that result from a belief.  The atheist belief is that their greatest happiness will be achieved by assuming that God doesn't exist.  That is an unprovable belief.  So the atheist lives by an unprovable belief, just as the Christian does.

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