
Do repeated failed predictions constitute "disinformation?" Should Dr. Hansen be tried too?

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Sceptic Dr. Hansen has been the Dr. Z of climate science. Every year is going to be the year in which we pass 1998 and then we don't.




  1. He certainly should have been fired long ago.  I don't know whether Bush had the authority to fire the political hack but it wouldn't be the first time Bush reached out his hand in friendship and decency only to have it chopped off by these truly dispicable partisans.  He should have fired Clinton appointed attorneys, CIA director as well as the liberal moles in the CIA that have ruined it and endangered our country, and countless other examples.  He should have treated them like the left treats conservatives.

  2. It's only disinfo if it's deliberate, so failed predictions, no. Calculated lies, doctored or falsified evidence, or artfully misleading "expert" testimony... now THESE things qualify as 'disinfo' in its truest sense.

    In fact, the website Skeptic Tanks provided is actually a perfect example of disinformation (the deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information.) Have a look. Thanks, Skeptic.

    Good question.

    BTW, Jim, I'm concerned about you, man, because you sound like a conservative, but you still support Bush? Maybe you were misled by some OTHER disinfo (it's ok if you were)... because, you know the Bush admin is the complete opposite of conservative, right? Also, you (rightfully) despise the partisan bs, but you know that both parties are controlled by the same interests, right? That's why the GOP leadership isn't conservative anymore, and all the true conservatives are turning against them. But that's a subject for a different question...

  3. Dr. Hansen should be fired. Not because of his ideas, but the way he bashes his bosses. If you want to understand how someone in his position should act, then read some of Roy Spencers' articles. Roy used to work for NASA under the Clinton admin. He did not believe the info coming out of the White House, but he kept his mouth shut since he worked for the White House. He only started speaking up when he quit (because he disagreed with their position), and went to work for a University.

    His website is here. This is a truelly honorable scientist, unlike the hack Hansen.

  4. His propaganda has cost trillions. He should be tried in civil court and be forced to pay off the trillions  at a rate of 90% of his income.

  5. lies, all lies

  6. Yes and yes.  All traitorous, environmentalist fear mongering fibbers should be arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and incarcerated for their attempted destruction of freedom, prosperity, and our nation's sovereignty.

    Hey Al, we're gonna give you an extra twenty years for profiteering in the process.  

  7. He should be tried. But there is no way to pay off the debt he owes, from the billions he scared and the trillions of dollars he wasted.

  8. Would you like to provide any examples at all of such "failed predictions"?  Because I can provide a big example of his predictions being correct.

    And no, even if there were any such failed prediction, making an error is not at all the same thing as purposefully spreading disinformation.  That's like saying that getting an answer wrong on your science test is the same as cheating.

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