
Do republicans have a woman with the stature of Hillary Clinton?

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Do republicans have a woman with the stature of Hillary Clinton?




  1. The closest they can come is Barbara Bush the Elder, who holds the distinction of having both married and given birth to TWO of the three worst presidents in the history of the White Estates of America.

    (The third of the three is the stupid mean racist classist cowboy, Ronald Raygun. Eye will never forget his remarks during the SLA food giveaway: "This would be a great time for an outbreak of botulism>" This stupid insensitive utterance came as teevee showed us HUNGRY Americans lined up for the admittedly extorted food. But SO WHAT!!  The governor of the extorted Republic of California wishing death and misery for the children he was sworn to look out for?!? And he will always stomp around in my heart funding an illegal war (what ever the flip THAT means!) in Nicaragua with COCAINE dollars. That is all swept under the ugly Red White and Blue carpet in the Oral Office. Paying mercs trained in stupid-a$s backwards Georgia with drug dinero to rape and kill women and children in hopes of whining their hearts and minds and eventually turning them against Presidente Daniel Ortega. Raygun and Stupid Bush the Bigger could not have a socialist country in C.A. (remember the Monroe Latrine Doctrine from your school days? The thing that said we were the Crips of the Western Hemishpere?) So s***w Raygun and Stupid Bush the Bigger & Stupid Bush the Smaller. s***w the whole US decencyaphobia. Sisters and Brothers, please please please look at the Truth of our Situation==We have an embargo against sweet and tiny Cuba because Castro refused to let his homeland continue as a casino and whorehouse for rude and ignorant Yankees, yet we do billions of dollars in busynest with "communist" China!! HAA!! Don't you seee how you've been foooled?!? We play patsy-cake with China and urinate on Cuba because it is ALL about the Benjamins!! We never trouble with such silly ideas as "human rights" when they interfere with "the Market". Listen, you asked about Repukelicking women and Eye said 'Barbara Bush the Elder' and I am getting to that because, you see, she's all they got, but the record just needs to show that we have all been hoodwinked. Raygun, who actually died as a result of injuries suffered when Charlton Heston tried to shoot a small Mexican off his head on a bet by Ted Nugent, Raygun the union-buster, the rabid sewer rat who finked on his "friends", the hater of children, Raygun who said that "trees cause pollution" {you can look it up!!}, Raygun the Evil claimed to have defeated "Communism"---Listen, he just out-spent the Soviets--with YOUR money!! HAAA The jokes on you!!

    Listen, here is what Eye say:  Shooot Raygun AGAIN!! <<now, listen, that is NOT a terrorist threat--the creeep is already dead supposedly and buried under the Berlin Wall of Seamy Valley so that is not an act of violence because I am NOT a violent person, Sometimes Eye just say "Shoot Raygun Again" or write it on my shirts because I think of him stinking there in the ground and all the babies in Nicaragua he stabbed and all the kids in Grenada he killed and all the poor Californios he WISHED WOULD GET BOTULISM AND DIE when I was a kid and he was my stupid governor. So don't come trying to say "Oh, man, you have to go to Gitmo because you said 'shoot Raygun'--no way, Eye yam knot like that. Eye just can't stop thinking of his evil dead creepy body and his fake hair rotting so close to my own children. And, you see, ol' Barbara Bush the Elder is the epitome of Repukelicking Party women--she made us look at her stupid husband and jerk kid in the White Guy's House and they are both war criminals.

    So, that's my answer: Barbara Bush the Elder. What do Eye win?

  2. short and dumpy with kankles. no I don't think so.

  3. Libby Dole comes to mind, as well as Condi Rice, Sandra O'Connor, Kay Bailey Hutchison and a few more

  4. A few senators and female governors, but no ex-First Ladies, which seems to be what Hillary prides herself most on.

  5. Condi Rice but she is not with a vocabulary quite like Hillary Clinton more like a stone if you know what I mean and I'm not racist I like condi but lets cut it like it is!!!

  6. Elizabeth Dole is a thousand times better than Hillary Clinton (if that's what your asking)

  7. condelezzzzzzzza

  8. plenty, the democrats only have her.  

  9. What a bunch of silly answers here.


    Nobody listens to what she says.

  10. george w bush

  11. Er herm... Republicans* with a capital 'R' thank you very much.

    Yes we do. My mom! My mom's a proud Jewish Republican. Basically raised be solo, sent me to a good school, owned her own house by 21 years of age, then purchased another, plus a cabin. Opened her own business, and then 3 more offices to boot.  She's the epitomy of the Republican way. Never accepts handouts, works hard, and made her way to the top. Plus Hillary Clinton is a hag.

  12. Condi Rice is much more qualified hands down.

  13. Condi, the only woman the Republicans let out of the kitchen.

  14. Yes, but Ted Kennedy left her in the car to drown

  15. You mean a lying shrew who has been involved in countless scandals, who has ridden her husband's coattails to power and is as crooked as the day is long?

    Gee, no. Our women tend to be honest, upright and have achieved their positions on their own merit.

  16. No, we do not have a female psychopath trying to run for president

  17. i rather like olympia snowe. and she didn't become a senator on her husband's coat-tails either.

    i'm not a hillary-hater but i don't see anything all that special about her. she's smart and she certainly is a good debater but she blew it with health care in the 90's and she blew it when it came to the right vote on the iraq war resolution. and she was out-smarted by obama because she just didn't spot all the openings in the process for an insurgent campaigner. that'd have to count for a few demerits even if she did have some long list of accomplishments behind her. which she doesn't.

  18. No

    Peace Through Submission - Laura Bush caused an accident that killed a man years ago.

  19. Actually, Condi Rice wouldnt stoop so low

  20. Their woman IS Hillary Clinton!  The rest of their "strong" women are actually men in drag!

  21. An Arkansas wife that's the senator of New York?

    What stature?  

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