
Do residents of Ireland like the American tourists and Americans that relocate there?

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Do residents of Ireland like the American tourists and Americans that relocate there?




  1. Its only really the americans that talk VERY loudly in places like restaurants that annoy people, but I don't think thats just an Irish thing

    I don't think that they know everybody can hear everything they are talking about

    I am friends with a few americans, these ones tend to get embarressed when they see other americans acting very 'american'

  2. I have met lovely Americans, but quite a few of them  are loud and rude, so loud that they don't talk to you  - they shout, all the time.  It's as if they are so used to standing up for themselves, putting their own point across forcefully, that they don't realise they are coming across in decibels.  And strangely, I have found some Irish returned home for vacation  equally don't notice they are shouting too.  You'd think they'd remember they are one of us.

    I have found many who appreciate if you go the extra mile to make their stay comfortable, and others who are non-stop critical, to whom nothing is ever right.  And who want to organise us to do things their way, when our own style has worked fine for us all these years, thank you very much.

    The nice ones outnumber the obnoxious ones who unfortunately are the ones making the most impact and who we will remember longest.

    We welcome all who come our way, but please, don't try to overpower us or change us.

  3. As long as they know how to understand sarcasm and irony in converstaions they will be all right!!!

  4. I think that this depends on the individual American, and the individual Irish person.

    I have an American friend who's married to a local man, she's lovely, and gets on really well with pretty much everyone.

    Then I've come across some real charmers who like to attract all kinds of negative attention to themselves by asking for hardline rebel songs in session in pubs and telling any English tourists that they don't belong in 'our' country - that's when I get a little huffy and say 'sorry, WHOSE country?' Americans like that are not welcome here, and I doubt they're terribly welcome in their own home towns either - jerks occur everywhere.

    Yes, they do tend to talk loudly and nasally, like other nationalities tend to talk loudly and very quickly with elaborate hand gestures that are sometimes a tad too graphic. And no matter where you meet them, they like to tell any Irish person they meet that their grandma was from Dublin, her name was Whatever - erm, to be honest lads, we just DON'T CARE. (This preoccupation with one's pedigree is at best tedious, at worst it's a bit creepy, even a bit elitist. Let the past stay where it is, we have a future!)

    I think the more bonkers the Yank, the better they fit in. There was rumour going around that Michael Jackson was considering moving to Ireland, but I haven't heard any developments since. He'd just fit right in, as long as he remembers that he's in a country that, in comparison to the US, is really only a very large village (4.2 million inhabitants in the Republic is not big) and everybody talks about everyone else and no-one is afraid to use the word 'toilet' in public.

  5. i babysit for an american woman and shes lovely, mainly loud obnoxious tourists no matter what nationality we dont take a shine too. Also rudeness and no manners never go down well in Ireland :)

  6. I don't mind them at all. I just think sometimes that they are a little niave about Ireland like they think it's all green with leprecans, It's not. It's actaully full of snobs thinking they are great cos they've got an suv.....hmmm that's another story.

    But I think with Americans the trick is to try to understand the other culture you are in, unfortunatly you have a reputation of just likeing what you know and not wanting to try anything else,

  7. Generally speaking I find americians nice people. I'm sure like everywhere there are Americians who are obnoxious. If so, I haven't come across any yet. But overall, I find them decent honest people.

  8. it depends on the tourist. you cant tar everyone with the same brush. some of them are off their heads but some are really nice and want to talk sanely.

    i'm irish with relatives who emigrated to america

  9. It kind of depends, Im from Ireland and I dont mind americans at all but one thing that does annoy me anyhow is americans that come over and feel the need to tell absolutely EVERYONE how their great great grandfather is from cork or somethin like that. Mentioning it in general conversation is grand, but dragging it out kinda gets on my wick.

    Mind you thats just my opinion, but just enjoy urself when ur here, you'll have a great time!


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