
Do resistance bands actually work?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if resistance bands work at all, im not trying to get all BUILT haha im just looking for a little something else to do along with my walk/jogs to help tone up a lil bit.

also, how long should i walk? not distance but mins?




  1. Technically to stay in fit, one must walk at least 150 minutes a week (a WEEK). That's only to stay in shape. If you can, walk at least 20-30 minutes a day. This could mean walking to the store to get something simple, or just walk around your neighborhood.

    Resistance bands are great way to tone muscle. They may not produce as much muscle as lifting weight and I personally find them stressful to use, however it's just another method of exercising.

  2. well resistance bands work if you get the right resistance and use them correctly... as for walking they say that you should do about 30 min a day 6 days a week.  You could always bump it up and do more, just depends on how much you want to put into it, and the more you put into it the more results you see.

  3. yes, virtually all rehab and fitness facilities use them. all olympic athletes use them. they are low cost, and muscles will respond to any type of resistance. many personal trainers prefer to use resistance bands over traditional weights.

  4. I swear by resistance bands, really I do. They are great for toning up. Make sure you start out with one that is not too stiff though, you don't want to hurt yourself. After you've worked with the beginner one, then switch to a moderate one. As for walking, if you are walking about 4mph, you will walk 1 mile in 15 minutes. So depending on what you're looking to get out of the walk, it all depends. I walk 4mph for 45 minutes, which is about 3 miles. Sometimes I do more, sometimes less. Hope this helped and good luck!

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