
Do responsible people who didn't get adjustable rate mortgages feel slighted by Barack Hussein Obama?

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Barack Hussein Obama only talks to the irresponsible morons who got these loans and wants to use billions of dollars of your tax money to bail them and the irresponsible lenders out to keep you priced out of the housing market.




  1. I got a $15,000 mortgage to pay for my house (a one-bedroom in a humble neighborhood.)

    I already finished paying it off, and now I'm wondering why Obama wants to tax me for other people's mistakes. Or even more accurately, for being responsible.

  2. No.

    McSame cannot even remember how many residences he has when thousands of Americans are facing foreclosure of their only residence.

  3. The funny part is that the Dems in congress made banks lend money to unqualified people and now they are blaming the banks on these people losing their homes. I agree that people need to stop blaming banks and the president for their problems. Everyone is responsible for their own lot in life. If I lost my job, lost my house or couldn't afford health insurance why in the world is that anyones problem but my own.  

  4. Hmmm... funny how Republicans don't want to help out homeowners but want to bail out the banks that gave the loans in the first place.

  5. Why should they?  Phil Gram holds quite a bit of responsibility for that fiasco and he was on the McCain team.

  6. It's not quite that simple; the (idiotic) folks who got variable rate mortgages (right at the lowest rates ever, so obviously they could only go up) are 50% to blame for their situation.  The lenders are also 50% to blame.  But we are ALL screwed if we don't help them.  If there is a bum in your front yard who spent his last three dollars on liquor, and doesn't have the bus fare home, you are under no obligation to give him the bus fare, but if you don't, he's going to live on your lawn!

    Obama was just pointing out that reality.  Before you slight him too much for his point of view, you might recall Mr.McCain's rather active role in the Savings & Loan crisis of the late 1980s.

  7. Well, it would depend if they supported that savings and loan scandal king and POW chatterbox John "Songbird" McCain.

  8. It's not Obama's fault that the entire federal government decided to bail out those who chose to live outside their means.

  9. I won't lose my home, no matter who gets elected, because I kept a good credit rating by paying my bills on time, and not getting in over my head with credit cards and loans for things I didn't need and couldn't afford.

    That good credit rating gave me a low interest rate on my home. Both times that rates dropped, I had my interest rate lowered, so that I am now at 5.4%. I started with a 30 year mortgage, took it down to 15 years with the lower interest rate (which meant that I still paid the same amount every month, but managed to knock 9 years off my loan at that time).

    I chose a home that I could afford and paid my mortgage on time every month. It will be paid off in 6 more years.

    I would not blame the government if I lost my home, or made a loan that I couldn't pay. Paying for a home, and making the right decisions about how to accomplish that are the responsibility of the individual homeowner.

    I don't understand why we, the taxpayers, should have to pay for others' bad decisions, irresponsibility and over-indulgence...Don't we already do that in the form of welfare?

  10. Yep, those guys are pikers!  Republicans rock!  Not only do they let you hump their daughters, but they give you a free ticket to Minnesota to pound beers with that old white haired dude!    

  11. I have an ARM and am doing just fine on my payments, thank you.  And I'm not an irresponsible moron and don't expect a bailout.  

    And the bailout vote in the Senate had 27 Republican supporters - more than double those who rejected it. So, it's not just Obama supporting this measure.  It's members of both parties.    

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