
Do restaurants lose money by not offering vegetarian friendly dishes on their menu?

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Obviously people can ask if the restaurant can adjust an item on the menu to be veggie friendly, but I'm sure some people just don't bother.

Or the question could be rephrased,

Do restaurants that offer vegetarian friendly dishes make more money?




  1. I think it all depends on where you live. In some places, people are all about meat and potatoes. In others, not so much. It's all demographics really. You probably wouldn't make a lot of money opening a vegetarian restaurant in small town America, but you would probably do just fine in New York City or Indianapolis.

    Personally, I love chicken too much to be a vegetarian! And steak too, might I add.

  2. it all depends on the number of units the restaurant can move but for the most part vegetation items loose money.

  3. A survey done in 2005 said that one out of every seven Americans thinks of him/herself as vegetarian, and if a restaurant would turn away one in seven customers, yes, I think it would cost them.  Yes, as a vegetarian I think that restaurants which can offer me a choice would make more money by having me and other vegetarians in their market.

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