
Do restrictions change for soldiers buying weapons?

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I would like to get a concealed carry license. Do I still have to be 21 in Ohio?

Also, do any other restrictions change on owning firearms?




  1. Ohio requires buyers to be at least 21 years old and well-behaved. It is among at least 16 states that have no restrictions beyond the basic federal requirements,

    In Ohio, all that an individual has to do in making an initial purchase from a dealer - that is, a holder of a federal firearms license - is to pay the purchase price and fill out federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Form 4473, which aims to confirm an individual's identity and behavior record.

    You can apply to carry a concealed handgun the application must be made to the local Sheriff on a form prescribed by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission. The application fee shall not exceed $45. The permit is valid for a period of 4 years after the date it was issued.

  2. Are you kidding?   You young guys can't even buy liquor until you're 21 (unless you're on base). :-)

    Unfortunately, civilian law takes no notice of the fact that you may be checked out on the M-9 and better qualified to carry and use it safely than most CCW permit holders.   For a concealed carry permit, and even just to own a pistol, you must be 21 years of age.   Sucks, I know, but that's the law.  Just pray someone doesn't get elected this November. who will start collecting up the BB guns and SoftAirs after he's sworn in (we saw that with Clinton back in the 1990s - remember the assault weapons ban?)  

    Some people just don't remember worth a d**n and insist on making the same mistakes every 12-16 years.  Must be a calibration checking thing or something.  Vote for Obama and he'll keep you out there just like Bush did, but he'll also cut funding for your ammo and food.

  3. Pistol ownership is 21 in every state of the union. In uniform if your position requires you to carry a pistol you can BUT not in civilian clothes or off base.

    Vet-USAF / CCW / Gun owner for Life

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