
Do rice cakes block the body's chi?

by Guest32929  |  earlier

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I eat white cheddar rice cakes because they're delicious. I'm not lactose intolerant, but if I eat too many, I feel terrible. And it's true for all rice cakes, not just white cheddar ones, but white cheddar ones are the only ones that are edible to me.




  1. lol

    you realise chi was just something made up by primitive people who had no idea how the body works... right?

  2. No I never heard of that

  3. Rice itself does not block chi.  It's pretty much defined as neutral in that regard.  Heavily processed rice cakes might do something in that regard, but I don't really have the knowledge base to tell you.

    However, I think the correct answer to your question doesn't really lie in the chi realm, and it's most likely just a physiological response.  Some people have problems with gluten (ie. celiac disease), and there are a myriad of problems which come up for different people from processed foods.

    If you are really curious to know exactly what's going on, I think you should experiment and see what happens to you when you eat white rice (as opposed to their processed form).

    However, truthfully, you should just follow the golden rule of holistic health.  If something makes you feel like c**p; avoid it.  Your body tells you plenty about what it does and does not want; just listening to it have a lot more practical value than pondering why it's telling you its upset.  After all giving up rice cakes really isn't a big life style choice!

    Hope that helps; sorry this isn't really a chi issue though :+|

    If you want a more detailed answer than mine, you'll need to consult a qualified naturopath.  Mynx sometimes answers stuff on here, so she might be able to pop in!

  4. Yes.

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