
Do rich nations like Germany, Japan, China and Saudia Arabia participate the US economic embargo of Cuba?

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Do rich nations like Germany, Japan, China and Saudia Arabia participate the US economic embargo of Cuba?




  1. Not directly. The Helms-Burton Act penalizes foreign corporations that do business with Cuba. But since that act was passed, Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act has somewhat lifted the embargo against Cuba regardless. As a result of that act, the US is now Cuba's sixth largest trade partner, and the largest provider of food to Cuba. It is in the US interest to have this relationship: it has worked well with other small countries the US wishes to have hegemonic power over.

    As an aside, I sincerely wonder about putting Saudi Arabia in a category of "rich nations", it's average income is tied with that of Albania. Its unemployment rates are in consistent double digits sometimes as high as the mid thirties percentile.

  2. No. In Europe it is illegal to comply with the embargo.  

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