
Do rich people behave rudely to a poor person?Is it so?

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Do rich people behave rudely to a poor person?Is it so?




  1. no...

  2. ya some do....... and some do not coz people who r bizy like ma fu k i n dad only need is money ...and he aint bother about poor o beggars .... he jus work for and forgot that he  had his only son and do something for him but no....... only da f u k i n  curse........i m  more over like EMinEM man.....  i like poors and i treat 'em better coz i aint rich ..but ma dad is............ y am not frm ny poor family. atleast can live peacefully...........ha

  3. A person can be good or bad whether they are rich or poor.

    You cant lump everyone in one category.

  4. no.not all.people who have no good qualities in them except being rich are actually jealous of others and for satisfying their ego they behave rude to others

  5. not always. i know this rich person who would always help the ppor by giving money. its greed that in the hear that causes it to happen

  6. Most do but not all. There were many kind hearted rich

    people around the world and even today there are some.

    The problem is, most rich people have no idea about

    real perspective of poverty.

  7. The behaviour changes from person to person. some rich people are equally rich at heart while some are utterly selfish. its not always the rich who behave rudely. even some poor people have no respect for others.


  9. some do - some dont - but most do : )

  10. Nope, I am rich but i dun behave rudely to poor person but have to what kind of person. good pple, i good, bad pple i bad.

  11. The ones who lack real class do.

  12. why not?

  13. Yes, some rich people behave rudely to a poor person.This is start happing from ancient time.Due to this many revolution are occur like French revlution.The rich people thinks that they have every thing and they are the god of all poor people.They thinks that the poor people is the waste thingh of the country. this is the big reason.

  14. It all depends on the person.  Arrogance is a display of weakness, humility is a sign of strength.  Anyone who acts like a snob towards someone who is a step down the economic ladder clearly suffers from an inferiority complex and being rude towards others is the only way they know how to feel better about themselves.  But I have noticed that selfmade wealthy people are much more humble and respectfull towards others than thos who aquired wealth with by getting lucky.  If a rich guy is being rude towards you, just think to yourself "what a coward!"

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