
Do rich teens have it easier?

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I don't know how it was in your high school, but in mine it seemed like once it was discovered your family had money, people would automatically not give you trouble, some even suck up/fall all over you. I witnessed a wealthy girl in 9th grade(like 14?) make her screen name playboybunny89-didnt get any c**p for it. Another girl, same age,just middle class, made hers something similar, and was labeled a s**t right away. Perfect example of the point I'm trying to illustrate. Does anyone else observe any of this or see some truth in it? And why is it like this?




  1. That's a bit stereotypical, don't you think? Bad things happen to rich kids too. I know a girl who's mom committed suicide, and who was just diagnosed with leukiemia (sp). Bad things happen to all people, sure they don't have to worry about money issues as much, but they have their own problems.

    as for your story, maybe everyone is just intimidated by the rich girl, but don't find the middle class one threatening.

    Just stop judging

  2. No, rich kids actually don't! Teachers could care less about money. They get paid for teaching. They don't get any extra money for sucking up to rich kids- it's not like the teacher gets paid by the rich kid's family! High school is high school, whether you're rich, or your poor it all sucks! High school is full of cliques. One of those girls was in with the wrong group of friends, therefore she got called a $lut. It had nothing to do with money. When rich kids flaunt their money they get hated by one group of kids, and loved by another. It is just the way high school works. It sucks, but thats just one of those things you have to suck it up, and move on. Tell the middle class girl to change her screen name, and get "in" with another group of friends. Then you can all move on.  

  3. It depends how they flaunt money. You can not be rich and still have nice things, it just means you buy more. You can also be rich and not make any indication that you are.

    It just depends on who has the money and who hasn't.

    But wealthier people getting it better is a way society has been working since practically the dawn of time.

  4. maybe the middle class girl WAS a s**t...and the upper class one wasnt? i dont know. a s**t is a s**t, it doesnt matter how much money, at least thats how it was when i was in high school


    did the middle class one look "S****y" or anything? i came from a well off family growing up, my dads a general in the army, and my mom is a physical therapist. we werent RICH but we were well off, and i never saw this problem or had this problem. i DID go to high school in a very small southern town though, i dont know if that had to do with it. at my school, if you looked like a s**t, or dressed like one, or dated alot of guys, flirted alot, you were a s**t, no matter how rich you were.

  5. people are dumb, they label and judge very easily

  6. I don't know! Don't think I'm trying to brag or anything. People think I'm rich. I'm not rich [upper middle class]. I have a pool, nice house, nice yard, and things so people I'm really rich.

    Anyway, I could probably get away with a lot of c**p. When I go to parties I always get a nice gift. People always invite me to their party hoping I will bring something nice. If I think they do that, I don't go. Same with Christmas. I'm always handing out $10 giftcard to Blockbuster, movies, or Subway during that week. They only go to my friends, but since I have a lot of giftcards, people always try to kiss-up to me. Yea right! I'm not as dumb as people think [well, maybe in math but that's IT]. I won't be falling for that!

    So yea, rich kids get away with things! It's up to the rich kids not to do it.  

  7. i dont know but i hate those rich spoiled kids. so annoyying.

  8. yes sorry to say but you are right

    young jr high and high school students dont understand life

    so they see the kids and the $ signs go off i their heads

    thinking that they will get there hands on the coolness weathlyness

    i know i know most out there will say someting else

    but i worked in   high school and a jr high and work with the youth group

    for some reason or other class tends to play a huge roll in society of school

    and guess what

    it wont change into life

  9. rich kid got problems

  10. Im rich and I have it very very easy!

    I dont flaunt my money

  11. I see what you're saying, but in the end, they'll have it bad.  Life is going to bite them in the a$$ one day.

  12. Because GOD HELP US! but most people are ruled by money,and material things, , like you said the wealthy girl made her screen name playboybunny89, [with no reprocussions to her], the same class a young lady made similar screen name, and she was labelled, why do people think it is right to down-grade the unwealthy, and build up, the wealthy, because they are wanting a piece of the pie(so da speak),God help thosed people who down-grade the unwealthy, because you know the unrich folks HAVE ALREADY WON, AND THE RICH HAS LOST!What do I mean by this is: The rich students usually has friends(but all the friends are interested in is their money, and those kind of friends you positively can do w/o), the poor families has all the good stuff(maybe not all the money they could use), but good friends that will stay beside them thru thick & thin, TRUE FRIENDS! The poor has won it all!Have you ever heard the saying: A FOOL AND HIS MONEY IS SOON PARTED?or this one: He may have it now, but he can lose it just as quick!?If I were the rich(I'D BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT I DID! because it can be taken away in a heart beat! Andgiven to the poor! They think they do, but not really! They have to work twice as hard to make REAL FRIENDS!

  13. Of course they have it easier.  They have never had to struggle to get the things they wanted, much less what they needed.  Their parents have been able to give them educational opportunities since preschool.  They can afford to try many sports and artistic activities and develop whatever talents they have under the best coaches. Their parents also may have the professional connections to help their children get part time jobs, scholarships, and admission to elite schools.  With all these things working in their favor, it's no surprise that rich kids have it easier.  AND, all that previous success gives them a sense of confidence and entitlement that other people may just accept.  In other words, if they believe strongly enough that they are special, other kids tend to see them that way.  

  14. Because those people are rich and popular, and if you have money it's like you can afford everything.

    answer mine;...

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