
Do rugby players feel inferior to American Football players ???

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No offense . . . but American Football players are bigger, stronger, faster, better athletes, more skilled, and make ALLOT more money.




  1. I disagree with you there. We had a couple of American Football players that came here and tried to play rugby. Its amnazing seeing such a change in attitude. They came in saying how tough they were when infact they were not fit enough to last a training run.

    It is two different games. I don't know many Rugby teams soughting after Football players, but I know it does happen in reverse.

    Do I feel inferior to you Americans? NO.

  2. who ever you are you are a fuc*ing idi0t i would like to see American footballers try to play rugby without any body protection they would be murdered by any descent team

  3. No ,

  4. I agree that Rugby players are extremely tough, but why would you want to do it. Wearing no equipment while smashing into each other, bashing heads, being stepped on, being elbowed and kneed, etc...pretty stupid.

  5. You are making an assertion not an argument which is a classic method of offending people without having to prove a point. Your game is an American game, only played seriously in America - people in the rest of the world dont even think about it, or its participants. Just to educate you a bit, America is the only country in the world to have won an olympic gold medal at... you guessed it, rugby. That was at the beginning of last century - perhaps they should have stuck at it. America is a sad isolationist country because it is afraid of things it doesnt understand. What a shame for the world.

  6. First, I was apalled at your rash assumptions.  Rugby players require the same agility, speed, and overall skill. Take a look at those professionals- they are SOLID. They have high pain threshholds and amazing willpower.

    As for why we do it? There is an unspoken bond, a sense of brotherhood, between the men and women who step onto that field. It's not about the money. Sure, most people think getting beat up every weekend is crazy, and maybe it is, but we love it. Rugby players use their bodies as shields and battering rams. We push our bodies to the limit, sometimes breaking point. It's the adrenaline surging through our bodies that keeps us going.

    As a rugby player do I feel inferior to American Football players? Absolutely not.

  7. Rugby is an international sport.

    American Football is . . . American . . . mmm . . . nuff said.

  8. Rugby players have a higher pain threshold, but I have no idea what they are doing in those piles or what the rules are.   Plus anytime you were a long sleeve shirt with shorts, you just look stupid.

  9. what a load of bullshit . they make a lot more money and thats where it ends , but rugby is a proud , untainted sport. Oh and lastly American football players are SOFT, wearing helmets and body armor?

  10. HA!!! Yeah...I don't think so.  I'd like to see American football players do what they do without the armor.  Rugby/Aussie Rulz players get ears torn off and broken bones and keep playing.  That takes a real warrior.

  11. long shirts with shorts look stupid? fair enough, but it could be worse, they could be wearing tights like footballers (or for that matter ballerina's).

  12. Its a matter of opinion about the athleticism of the two differnt players.  The sports are completely different!!!  have you ever stood next to the pro ruggers?- they are massive.  and way more fit.  try running 40 minute halves without commercial breaks, time-outs, and short quick plays.  no fatties allowed!!  the skills required for each game are way different.  rugby takes more finesse and quick thinking... football is more about quick short snappy plays coached through radio connection to a coach and talked about ina huddle.  in rugby we work to lure the defense to one side to overload through phase plays (thats the rucks and mauls - the piles of people soemone talked about).  football is all about set plays and calculated movements.  the sports really cant be compared.  Many ruggers are ex-football players.

    american football is set up to make more money so they can pay the players more through commercial breaks and sponsors.  rugby commercial breaks only happen at half time and before and after the match.  The USA rugby team actually paid their own way to the world cup this year.  most have real jobs and play in club teams in their home towns.  rugby is growing though in the states... get out there and try it out!

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