
Do saudis put bumper stickers on their cars?

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If yes, what do they put?




  1. i have been living in ksa for the last 16 years of my life and i have noticed that recently this trent is increasing b4 some years it was v strange to see any car with  a sticker

    most offently we see the photos of the king on good cars and on some teenage cars u can see many attractive slogans

  2. I have seen very few over the years maybe just a couple. Saudis like their cars neat and clean.

  3. when you come here you will  see urself

    people here are soo into american cultur its like they have no islamic history at all.. they are most insecure here..

    especially the kids of the royal family.. they act like americans..  they even brag about who knows more of Mcdonal meals .. * oh, dont call it ice -cream.. call it Mcfullry. you dont know nothing*

  4. I have one. Just says "salam alaikum"

  5. Yes, they say "Support Osama Bin Laden - drive an SUV!"

  6. not that often, but when they do, it is either of the following 3: 1)a religious message 2)a flag  3)college sticker for the very few us grads . Oh yeah and also divers like to stick the diver sticker to their cars as well.

  7. well.. as a saudi arabian and having lived there for a while, i did not notice any bumper stickers. so if there are, it's rare.

  8. Not a lot of cars have bumper stickers.  I think you see a whole lot more in the US.

    The most popular thing you see on cars is the shahadah in white letters on the back window, usually with a sword underneath like the Saudi flag.

  9. not many.. and I truly agree with the above person about most Saudi's like their cars neat and clean.. uncluttered with a bumper sticker that might peel and look ugly after time..

    You mostly see the back wind shield with sunscream film that has a see through image of the King and also the words in arabic "there is no God but Allah".. I see this on many windows..

    sometimes there might be a sticker that says "how is my driving, if questions or concerns, call xxxxxxxx"... and company stickers... maybe an old AAA sticker from a car bought used from USA... ive seen "baby on board" stickers.. and university stickers. business entrance security stickers.. but thats about it....

  10. Yes, but only if its not a new or luxury car.

    It can be anything like Tupac, or even a name of a car ( especially tinted suburbans ) like "Ghost" or "My life" or a name of a song.... some put pictures of the king or the Saudi flag.

    Ive seen a car with an email bumper sticker so girls would pick it up I guess.

    Others would have a line from a poem.

    Mostly its teenaged kids with suburbans giving themself a "name" like Ghost, My life etc...

    I remember seeing one saying "Only God can Judge me" ( a song of tupac )

    Thats in Riyadh, its been years since last time I visited Jeddah.

    Most cars dont have any, but when I see one im not surprised.

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