
Do school's give off the rong message to kids?

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Ok so I'm 13 and I'm going to grade 8. But in grade 7 when the school taught us sexual education we had to watch a movie. The movie told how good it felt ,but said nothing about wearing comdoms, taking brith control, or about the chance of getting pregnant,

so o u think the school gaves the wrong message?




  1. Yeahh, they totally are supposed to give out the message of "safe s*x" They probably weren't intending that, but good eye!  

  2. what you watch p**n. just kiding. yea i think they did  cus they did not teach you how to be safe or any thing  

  3. Ummm...yes!!  Sounds like they probably broke the law too!  Most states have a certain criteria they must follow in their sexual education classes, which always includes protection!!

  4. yes, they arn't telling you what you could use to prevent getting pregnant

  5. That, sadly, is not the school's fault, but the fault of the State and the people of the state. Schools want to provide ALL of the information needed for making good decisions, however, the people of the State have made the decision that providing information about STDs, birth control, and pregnancy, condoms and so on are things that shouldn't be taught.

    It sounds to me like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders. Make sure you have all of the information you need before making any decisions about s*x.

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