
Do school buses have to provide transportation...?

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I live in town about 2 blocks from the school. My daughter is only 4 and starts pre-k in the Fall. The bus garage said they will not pick her up because we live so close. They expect a 4 year old to be able to cross 2 roads and over a bridge to get to school?!?! I can't beleive this, it's absurd. My husband leaves for work too early and I can not leave the house because I watch children and they get dropped off at various times so I have to be here. My question is, Is there a law or anything that says a bus has to provide tranportation for a child living in the school district if they are asked regardless of their location? Or is the bus garage right because we live in town??




  1. It's usually a mile or a mile and a half for school busses.  With school district budgets the way they are it is ridiculous to expect enough school busses be provided to get every child to school.  Ask a friend or one of the other parents in class to help you out.

  2. I'm not sure about a law per se but my guess is that their routes are determined by the school district. I would contact the school district administration office and see who you can talk to about transportation. I know we live in the same neighborhood as our elementary school and there's no bussing because we live so close- parents are expected to provide for safe travel to and from school (whether walking, driving, etc.).

    If you can't get the school district to change the bus route you might talk to a neighbor about assisting in getting your daughter to and from school..

    Best of luck to you!

  3. Nope, if you live in a certain distance from the school, they dont have to pick up the child (My county is 1 mile radius) but they want you to drop the child off since the school is so close, either that or walk, but if you talk to someone and explain the age, they maight make an exception. But i wouldnt want my 4 year old riding a bus all  alone anyway

  4. This varies by where you live.  In my district, you can take the bus even if you're close, but if you're under 2 miles from school you have to pay a really hefty fee.  I'd imagine that whatever the bus company told you is correct, though you could also check with your school principal.  

    Do you have neighbors who are walking their kids to school who could also walk your child? Or if the kids are dropped at your house at different times and school is only two blocks away, maybe just set a 15 minute block where parents can't drop off kids at your house because you're walking your child to school.

  5. They don't expect your 4 year old to cross 2 roads and a bridge, they more likely expect you to get your 4 year old to school.  They do not have to provide transportation outside of their area.    When I was in grade school, I had to walk 3/4 of a mile to school because the bus did not service our area.  Granted that's not a long hike, but for a 3rd grader... buses are there for those families who may not live so close and it may not be so easy to get to school.

  6. Our district has rules about how far from school you live to be able to ride the bus ( 1 mile for grade school, 2 miles for jr. high and 3 miles for high school).  There is no law that I know of that requires a distict to pick up a healthy child .. especially one that is only two blocks from school.

    Maybe hire one of the parents to drive your child to school.. or you will have to make arrangements for drop off times to change.  It's your resonsiblily to get your child to school, not the district's.

  7. Most school districts are like that.  They contract with the bus company and the school district makes those rules.  You will have to either change your schedule or see if she can walk with another parent.

  8. There is no law that says buses must provide transportation to all students.  Most of the time, the school district or bus garage has rules that if you live within a certain number of miles, then you are/aren't eligible for transportation.

    I would suggest getting with a neighbor or someone whose child also goes to the school to set up a carpool.

  9. Consider getting to know the some parents of some the children that your 4 year old will be going to school with.  Then make arrangements so that she can go with another parent or visa versa.

  10. No, the school bus does not have to pick her up.  All districts have guidelines (based somewhat on age) as to how far children should be expected to walk to school -- and 2 blocks is certainly not too far for a healthy 4 year old to walk.  (Are there no crossing guards at the busy streets? THAT is something to bring up with the school district -- but expecting a child to be driven 2 blocks to school is pretty absurd. My daughter walks further than that to get to the bus stop!)

    You have two options -- don't send her to pre-k (which isn't required), or find a way to get her there yourself.

  11. Unfortunately, the bus company is correct.  I know it's absurb.  You have to hire someone to drive your child to/from school.  Believe me, it took me a long time to find a sitter that transports.    We live close to school too, but in order for the kids to get to school they have to cross railroad tracks, so they provide bus service both ways because of this.   I work, so my kids probably will never take the bus until high school.

  12. Buses don't provide transportation for preschoolers in my school district.  Parents are expected to walk their kids into the classroom every day and pick them up after school.  While I'm sure they don't expect your 4 year old to walk to preschool on her own, they probably do expect that if you want to provide your child with a preschool experience that you'll provide the transportation for her.  Since preschool isn't mandatory, they're not obligated to provide transportation.

  13. Busing is a privilege, not a right.  Schools don't have to bus, period!  I know schools that have NO buses!  Most schools that do have buses to not bus town children, only those that live in the country.  They don't expect your child to walk to school, they expect you to take her or make arrangements for someone to take her.  Do you know anyone in her school that could take her or an older child that walks by your house that could take her?  I live 4 blocks from the school and my 7 year old walked last year.   Busing costs money, and in case you haven't noticed, schools are a little short on it these days!!

    Edit:  I can almost guarantee that the buses going by your house are full.  Schools don't run empty buses.  Which child would you like them to kick off the bus so yours can ride?  When my son went to daycare at the age of 4, they could no longer have a bus stop there.  It was at least 10 blocks to school and my son was 4!  I leave town for work and hour before school starts.  I made different arrangements!!

  14. u dont live even a mile a way from the school so no they dont have to pick her up

  15. They expect you to get her there. It is your responsibility to get your child to school, not theres. It sounds like you may need to make other morning arrangements. I wouldn't want my 4 year old walking to school alone. But I certainly wouldn't want her riding the bus alone either.

  16. I am a teacher, and in my district the buses will only bus children that are more than a mile from the school or have been transfered to another school because of a school issue (like the class was full, or special ed services could not be provided).  I would talk to the parents of the children you watch and see if they could drop their kids off, after a certain time. Maybe one of those parents would be willing to pick your child up and take her to school.

  17. Unfortunately that's the policy at most school's. It's absurd. I'm not really sure if there are any actions you can take to force them to transport her. One alternative is to find someone you trust who drives their children to school and have them pick her up. It will definitely be a pain because she still needs a carseat, but if it's your only option I'd look into it. I agree that 4 years old is WAAAAY too young to be walking two blocks to school. Good luck.

  18. yes, the bus can pick her up no matter how close you are to the school if you get a notorized letter explaining your circumstances and talk to the principal.

  19. nope they do not have to provide the transportation within 1-2 miles of the school. It is up to each individual district and the tax payers if they want to provide transportation. I suggest you find out who all is going to the same school and see if you can't arrange for someone to take her and pick her up for you.

  20. I'm in South Dakota and the law says schools must provide transportation when a child lives at least 2 1/2 miles from school.   This applies to kindergarten through 8th grade only (sometimes pre-K if an elementary school has a pre-K program).     There are no school buses required by law for high school.   Considering I live in a mostly rural state then there is no city buses for most teenagers.

    Some individual school districts allow students who live closer to the school (e.g. 1 mile) to get a school bus and they may even allow high schoolers to receive transportation.    This is really considered a privilege and not a right.    

    It's really up to you to come up with an arrangement to get her to and from school.    I would look into a car pooling arrangement.     I know it's a nuisance and parents where I live are always scrambling to come up with a workable arrangement everyday.  

    The bus garage would know what the district policy for transportation would be.   They arrange their bus routes according to where eligible students live and they do that year after year.    Obviously a 4 year old can't walk 2 blocks by herself but neither can a kindergartener (5 years old) and all elementary schools have kindergarten classes.

    ETA:   It sounds like you live in a big city.   I have a sister who lives in New York City.   She has twin boys who just finished Pre-K.     She and her husband work.       They hired a woman to drive their kids from day care to Pre-K and after Pre-K was over, her kids were driven back to day care.    Believe me, she would have taken advantage of any free transportation if it were available.

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