
Do schools in South Africa close when it becomes too cold for comfort?

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Today, in NW Germany, the school children came out at 11 am. The children (only the juniors) are allowed to go home if the temperature reaches 25°C by 11 am!! At the moment we have 33°C (18.00). Is there a similar rule for schools in South Afrca when it is very cold in winter?




  1. No.

  2. I can remember in primary school we did not go to school one day coz we could not get the doors open at bording school. It is now law that if the temp go above 45`C kids have to go home. My sister is in school in Komatipoort and they had it a few times.

  3. I don't know if they do it these days, but back when I was still in school, we had to wear skirts and stockings during the whole year. There was not a single day that we were sent home. That would really have been nice on all those days that my fingers were almost frozen solid, and we had a typing test. ha-ha.

  4. Hi cakes. Not of which I know. I remember when i was still in school i would pray that we be sent back home in extremely hot weather or on those cold winter days, but no- it was not to be.

  5. No, here in South Africa, school children are still wearing their jerseys if it's only 25 degrees by 11am.

    I personally have never heard of any school in South Africa closing early or children being sent home on account of the weather, when I was in Standard 8 our entire school was sent home in response to a bomb threat but that is the only time I recall being sent home early.

  6. Well in the southern part of the US kids get to stay at home when it snows because the southern states are not equipped against snow. So, I am guessing that in African since they might not have heat in every school that kids get to go home but life in Africa is hard anyway so they might have to stay in school.

  7. No cakes I went to school in Cradock minus degrees in Winter and temperatures in the high 30ties to 40ties in Summer. when it got very hot we were allowed to remove our socks and shoes in class, but we did go to school. Oh in summer school started at 7:10 and at 8:00 in winter. Years ago I worked in Elliot. It is high in the Drakensberge and it got very cold there, it snowed in town quite often, but the schools did not close. But nowadays I do not know, the Department of Education is very "slap gat" lately, teachers and principals look for every excuse not to work or to let the schools come out "early". i would not be surprised if schools closed because it is too cold....You must be enjoying the heat in Deutschland!

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