
Do schools still have spelling tests?

by Guest57646  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike amazes me how many people on here cannot spell at all. This country is going to be in so much trouble when today's generation of children are in charge...the ignorance within this newest generation is astounding!!




  1. Yeah where i live we do

  2. where i live we not only have to spell the word but we also have to know the definition and part of speech...every week then we have after 5 weeks we have a test on those 5 weeks all together...then at the end of the semester we have a test on every word that we learned that semester...

    so yes and no...we have spelling but it is now called vocabulary test due to all the added things...

  3. the last time i had a spelling test was back in 8th grade, i think, back during my middle school years.

    in high school, it seemed like i had a few, but that's because of the teacher. they're not mandatory.

    i had vocabulary tests instead of spelling.

  4. Being a teacher, yes, I always use spelling tests each week.

  5. The way people spell on here is not really how they spell. I still have spelling tests, but not every week like I did in elementary school. We still get vocab words. We know how to spell, we just spell the way we do on here so we dont have to type so much

  6. when my son was in public schooling. He told me they dont do spelling tests at all. So I was giving them to him at home. They didnt even have spelling words during the week. I was so upset.

    I rememebr when I was in school, I had spelling words everyweek. I not only had the tests at school, but my mom had me write them everynight for homework too, And every Thursday night I had a spelling test at home NO MATTER what by my mom!

    See we homeschool our son, now going on the 3rd year in a row. And I make darn sure that he has new spelling words every week. As part of his studies, he has to write the words everyday 5 times each. Then comes Friday he has the test.

    He'll be in 6th grade this year, so the words will be harder, & guess what?? Even mommy will be learning how to spell  them again too. I know for sure my spelling is always in need of repair. So I learn right along with my son too.

    But there is so many things they need to teach in school today they just dont!!

    1 of the things when we started homeschooling my son was he didnt even know who the presidents were. I made a statement to my husband about George Washington, my son then who was in the 3rd grade, didnt have a clue who he was!

    not only that, but my son couldnt even read simple little ABC books to me, so we took his education in our hands. I hate the teachers here, they have NO CLUE what to teach, & how to even try to talk to the parents about our concerns.

    I remember a time he was still in school, & I went up for 2 weeks in a row, before & after school to see if there was "anything" I need to know about, or that my son didnt do in class. She waited until the 2 weeks was up, & then told me "Your son hasnt done anything in class for 2 weeks", heres the work he needs to do!! I was so pissed off. I asked her "how come it took you 2 weeks to tell me he wasnt doing anything in class, when I was up here before & after class everyday?? She shouldve told me the 1st day I was there. I couldve stopped it there & then! Dont wait 2 weeks to tell me what he hasnt done, when I was there the whole time & couldve had it all done in 24 hours time!!!  She told me since she has a whole class, that its my job to make him talk to me about what he did & didnt do! Now, heres my question, do you honestly think a child is going to tell his parents he acted up in class, & did nothing, kowing he would get his tush in trouble when he got home???

  7. Wot be da problem wit dat?  lol... Just joking.  Hey, someone has to clean the restrooms and work at walmart.  These people will undoubtedly fill these positions.

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