
Do scientists or Mathematicians ever believe in just simple Luck sometimes? Or is everything ordered?

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Do scientists or Mathematicians ever believe in just simple Luck sometimes? Or is everything ordered?




  1. All systems have some inherent degree of disorder or probability. For instance, in quantum mechanics, there is something called the Uncertainty Principle which says you cannot know the exact position and momentum of a particle. So to describe a quantum mechanical system, you deal in the probabilities of where particles are, and the probability of where they will go.

    Macroscopically, we can never really determine every single factor in a system. But we try to know the biggest factors, so we can fairly accurately predict what will happen.

    Every once in a while, one of those secondary factors will make your system behave in a way you didn't expect. It's called statistically improbable...but if you're a research scientist, you might also be inclined to call it luck.

  2. Yes, somethings are just coincidence or luck - sometimes good luck, sometimes bad luck.

    BTW, it is an all-too-popular misconception about evolution by natural selection to say that it is driven by luck or random chance.  Natural selection is not random luck - it is a very non-random process.

  3. Sure. We call that " random. " Which means, in no set numerical order.

  4. what is evolution but sheer random lucky that boom we are here!

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