
Do scientists use our tax dollars well?

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  1. Scientists don't get that many of our tax dollars (compared to the military for example), but the few they do get they use well.

  2. Now they are openly blurring the lines between fact and fiction. How can one take anything they say seriously.

  3. no, there is a huge amount of waste and incompetence, those jobs should all be bid out

  4. i like the article about transhumanity,Darwin will call it

    "Evolution with a twist",but scientists use the tax dollars

    well,and lots of this money comes from the private sector,

    isn't that politics?

  5. Of course scientists use our tax dollars, they get grants to study things such as stem cell research, AIDS, Bird flu, these are just 3 of the medical grants that are given out but there is a lot of study being done in space and of space itself. They  use our tax dollars in the hope of finding cures or making new discoveries that will make things better for all of us.

    Not everyone will agree to where the grants go to but where would be be if there were no grants when the cure for polio was discovered or the advances in heart transplants.

  6. Well, considering the rate at which we advance and develop, probably. If not, I would be scared.

  7. Not really sure why you included that article.  The fact is, the public is not in a good position to judge what science is relevant.  Electricity, superconductors, transistors, quantum physics all came out of 'elective' sciences that didn't seem all that useful at the time.  So let the scientists decide what to do with the tax money that supports our research.

  8. No. In countries with less science, people pay less tax. Some say it is because these countries produce less, but they just try to fool you.

  9. yes they do fo find ways to heal people and to put space ships in space.look at how many people cool be saved from starvation for the same price of one trip to space.

  10. Yes, so they can lie about global warming.

  11. Tax money is used to answer science questions that the elected government of the day chooses. So if the people don't like what they're doing they can select a different government with a different policy agenda. In that sense it is democratic.

    It could be argued that government funded science is less cost effective than privately funded science, but that is because it is more accountable. If everything has to be open and accountable, it is more expensive.

  12. generally,i think so

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