
Do scissor scratches leave scars?

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I found out my little sister cuts herself with scissors, but not deep at all, just enough to make a mark scab over. I'm worried though she'll have scars, there like cat scratches, so I didn't think so, but I'm not sure..




  1. It's ridiculous, but I went through this as a young'n. Scissor scratches, especially if they aren't that deep, will scar, but will fade in good time. It's when you start finding razor blades (even from shavers) laying around that you should be super worried. I'm 20 and still have scars...but even the stuff that I first did has faded. So try to get her to stop!!! She WILL regret it, and she probaly knows that, just doesn't care right now. She needs someone/something to confide in and spend her time with, being active.Good luck.

  2. i have scars from cat scratches  put some neosporin on them it will fad what ever scar appears

  3. it will be there for about a year but it will go away.

  4. it could.

    but hte more important issue here is that your sister cuts herself. it may  not be with a knife, btu she is still a cutter. it's a psychological thing. talk to her about it.  

  5. Well i once cut myself with scissors, and it was pretty much just a slice, kind of like a cat scratch, but yeah its been about a two years and i have a very faint little scar. It isnt bad its just a little raised, but im sure within a few years it will completely disappear.  

  6. yes

  7. Yes.

    I have two dogs,very hyper.Since they love to jump on me and sometimes scratch me(if I forget to clip their nails) when I pick them up.SO people think I cut myself when it was my dogs who did it.

    You can get that neosporin stuff to put on it to heal it.

    And please help your sister,if something is wrong,you should be there to help her so she doesnt cut herself

  8. just as much as any other scratch

    please get her to stop

    good luck♥

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