
Do scorpio males enjoy attention/drama and are bipolar?

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this guy i been seeing is wishy washy with me found out he went 2 hawaii after a week of disappearing from me with a girl he use 2 date she offered a free trip and he took it i found out on myspace he wasnt going 2 tell me and texted me wants no more of me but we saw each other in person and he said he cares 4 me and just now had a rush of feelings go through him and wants me 2 still be in his life as a friend now or couple months down the road doesnt want 2 end this chapter btwn us...He betrayed me though...i think he wanted me 2 say no plz stay with me blah blah but no i told him i thought i loved him and its over and he was in silence couldnt even say a word even when i said hope all works out 4 u in your life and teared up in his eyes....

WTF?? how could he say cruel things 2 me then dissappear, then say i want you in my life....He even said ur the person that i can count on and talk 2 if i need some1 there.....

Was he expecting me 2 say no i love you lets work it out...

I know i hurt him but he hurt me as well...Do you think this was the best way 2 show him that i wont be ur backup when things go wrong....We have a strong chemistry and i wonder will he ever come back 2 me if he truly feels 4 me?




  1. He just wants in your panties. Stay away...far away!

  2. Yea scorpios are bipolar!  They have thin skin too and get offended easily.  Watching them get angry is like watching a clown in a circus lol.  It's very entertaining actually.  They have very low self-esteems.  They love to talk c**p but don't like it when people call them out to it!

  3. yes! they are! they are usually hoe bags too.  

  4. well if he is not giving all of him... GET OVER HIM!! dump him... at least you arent all married- alot easy to drop him so that you can find someone you deserve!!!

  5. You shouldn't feel bad. But I know it is,even if you didn't do anything sometimes you question yourself.

  6. 1.The way you type is very irritating

    2.You should check his entire chart not just his sun sign

    3.You shouldn't generalize, nothing good comes from generalizations.

    4.You should talk to him seriously instead of whining about it.

    Maybe if you initiated a serious conversation he might participate.

    5.Insults are never a good way to achieve good results.

    If you flirt with everything that has genitalia different than you then that's the reason he left you.

    Some people can deal with monogamy some can't you can't have everything in one package my suggestion is find someone who fits your lifestyle.


    "Shut up" is proof that people who don't like scorpios have anger issues and can't do anything in a civilized manner causing whoever the scorpio involved is to retaliate in an equally violent way.

    "Shut up" If you act like an animal you get treated like one.

    You notice the only one saying ANYTHING productive is me.

    Proving that the only Bipolar psycho's here are the other


    Their comments are.

    "BiPOLARDramaQu33n! Jelus! h**r! EVIL! iih8Scropio!"

    I think all the proof is laid out plainly enough for even the slowest of us to see.

    That anyone who a scorpio screws is an idiot who deserved it.

    Also proof the sting is nothing to mess with either they're all bitter LOL!

  7. They are very possessive, jealous and major drama queens. I have never had a good, healthy relationship with a Scorpio. They like to cheat it seems, but can't handle it when you return the favor. My last Scorpio was a fantastic lover, very s**y, very slick, and a great liar. You can't trust em, further than you can throw them. They like to make themselves feel superior by tearing you down, mine did that. My dad is a Scorpio, and he's a friggin wack job. Very insecure, very obsessive, very needy. Seemingly over confident, but so quick to get jealous. They can get violent easily. But anyone really can be like that, not just Scorpios. Typical guy, though, wanting his cake and eat it too. That has nothing to do with being a Scorpio. Don't feel guilty for "making him cry" look what he did to you, girl. Don't apologize for him being a dog. You didn't hurt him, trust me, he did it to himself. His loss. He just got caught, he wasn't crying before he knew you knew. My ex did that too. Then he screwed around on me again. Once a cheat, always a cheat.

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