
Do seeds have to be dried out before you plant them ?if so why

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Do seeds have to be dried out before you plant them ?if so why




  1. Seeds do not have to be dried before planting.  However they need to be dried if you plan to store them before planting, otherwise they can rot in storage.  Some tropical plant seeds cannot be stored and have to be planted almost immediately after harvest.  Many types of seeds have some sort of dormancy requirement, or contain seed germination inhibitor chemicals in the fruit surrounding the seed, or in the seed coat itself, but that is a separate issue, and drying the seeds would not have much effect on these issues.

  2. i don't think so because most plants your meant to water after you plant the seeds

  3. It really depends on the plant.  

    Some seeds need to be planted fresh, which means that they should be sown as soon as they are ripe.  Others need a period of dormancy or even a cold winter (which you can imitate by putting the seed in your fridge) before they will germinate.

    Some seeds even need to be exposed to smoke before they will break dormancy.

    If you are not sure of the requirements then sow half now and the rest in the spring.

  4. not that i know of...

  5. Yes they need to be dry otherwise they will just rot.

  6. if you are keeping your seeds over a period of time then yes you have to dry or freeze them other wise they will rot, if you are going to plant them almost straight away the it isn't necessary. freezing is better than drying  because it keeps them fresh, only defrost them a little while before you plant. by drying seeds they are more lightly to die or not germinate.    

  7. All seeds are dry already as the plant will not let them go into the wing otherwise.However the primrose family or cyclamen,you have to plant the seed undried.This is because the plant lowers the seed to the ground  rather than let it fly off

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