
Do senior citizens have the poorest etiquette?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question and they deleted it.

I'm missing 2 tennis balls, may I inspect your walker?

bright yellow, Wilson brand, slightly used.

I asked this in the Senior Citizen section and it got deleted!! This is a real question! Why are they being mean to me?




  1. because you are intentionally asking a mean spirited and rude question moron

  2. I don't have your balls, but if I did, I guarantee you wouldn't have to ask. You would know..........

  3. You will find that the Seniors are set in a mode , and yes they do have adequate etiquette. This we were taught from when we were young We even had a class in school on etiquette and social graces. They need to bring this back.

  4. "TOP CONTRIBUTOR",OHHHHH GEEEEEEEZ...Laughing,Laughing,Laughing,

    That is Funny!!! I don't think they have  "Poor Etiquette" they just don't care what any of us think anymore, so they'll take your balls if they NEED leave them alone...they have earned this Right!  And I guess they deleted you because they thought you were being a "Rapscallion-skallawag"...LOL!!!

  5. I agree, they have the worst etiquette! I was in a coffee shop yesterday and I was training an employee ( i work in the beauty industry) and we had a lady in her 70's interrupt our training and starts try8ing to guess our ages and was telling us business advice and rudely commenting about how we can't possibly be making much money. etc etc.

    THey have no shame!

    Edit to add:

    Butterfly, you don't need to bust in here and insult someone in the ETTIQUETE Section!


  7. You really think the oldsters have ripped off your tennis balls?   Keep your balls where they can't get them I guess.  Are they that expensive?    Yes you see them lurking around the tennis courts ready to swoop down with their walkers on your lost tennis ball that goes over the fence.  Sneaky old folks.  And if you haven't been run over by someone in a walker you haven't lived.  They can be brutal.

  8. It's actually kind of a rude statement in itself.  You are implying a senior citizen WITH A WALKER broke into your home and stole 2 tennis balls.  Highly unlikely.  If you are missing 2 tennis balls, first, see if you misplaced them.  If you can't find them, go to Wal-Mart and buy some brand new ones.

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