
Do sephardic girls ever go for ashkenazi guys?

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I'm curious. Im from a part of america with a lot of ashkenazi jews but very little sephardim. yet, i find sephardic girls sooo attractive. Im thinking about moving to israel one day where there are presumably more sephardic girls. is there a lot of mixing?




  1. The only thing you need to worry about is if the girl you are attracted to feels the same way about you.  You may run into a problem if you're reform and she's orthodox, and then she probably won't even give you her number.

    Just like anywhere else in the world, attraction and compatibilty come first.

    Have an amazing time in Israel and good luck!

    p.s. Try visiting Toronto, New York, Miami or L.A.  There are a lot of Israeli's there and will give you an opportunity to brush up on your 'pick up' skills :-)

  2. Yes, mixed couples are very common in Israel.

  3. Thank you for the compliment on behalf of Sephardim women :)  Yes, Sepharditas do go for Ashkenazi it is okay.  And thank you for the reminder of how much fun it is to be young and soon to be in love :)  It's a nice respite to think about this and very much apart from the usual questions here in Israel travel section.

    You do get to have your personal preferences too it is part of what makes you an individual and a human, nothing wrong with that, but as long as you keep them within what makes a person a human being, a man or a woman, and a Jewish person.

    I have been told I'm "muy bonita" (Spanish for very pretty) my whole life.  My father used to stick up for me and say "she's very intelligent too!"  To me, my father's compliment is the greater one but I am thankful to G-d for having what some people deem some good looks and some brains too.  It is funny that when I look in the mirror I don't see what they see though, and I surely don't feel smart when I look back on stupid things I have done?!

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter what one's physical preferences are, as long as you being Jewish they are Jewish too.  I would give up my personal preferences in a heartbeat to one who has all the "other qualifications." I place the qualification of intellect, compassion, spirituality, etc. over anything regarding physical appearance.  These values are so high on my list and physical characteristics are so low on my list, that I'm personally repulsed by lack of non-physical values, and actually "turned on" by higher values in someone who has what society deems lessor physical values.  Is that not the way it should be if we are created in G-d's image yet we all appear different?

    We've all long ago been blessed and this blessing applies equally to all Jews and there isn't any distinction between us for this blessing. If you went for a NON-Jewish of similar descent then that would be "not good"  and therefore no blessing. So whether you marry Sephardi, Mizrahi or Ashkenazi you'll both be beautiful with beautiful babies.  So go to Israel, have fun and live a long happy life with the woman you come to love :) as you've already been blessed to do so:

    "Go, eat your bread in gladness and drink you wine in joy, for your action was long ago approved by G-d. Let your clothes always be freshly washed and your head never lack ointment.  Enjoy happiness with a woman you love all the fleeting days of life that have been granted to you under the sun... Whatever it is in your power to do, do with all your might."  -- Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

  4. Yes they do; it is very common for people in Israel to marry no matter what their ethnic background may be; most Israeli couples are "mixed":)

  5. its not like everyone of a particular race always rejects or goes for a specific type of person, everyone has their own unique preferences.

    personally, i only date chicks who are a mix of japanese/scottish/saudi/cambodian who practice witchcraft and have been a ninja-assassin at some point in their life.

    otherwise they cant touch this sweet, sweet a$$

  6. There are many relationships between Sephardi and Ashkenazi.  Yours could be the next one upon your arrival to Israel.



    Ms. Miche ; })

  7. I am not familiar with the term "go for."

    There are many cases of Sefardim marrying Ashkenazim, if that is what was being asked.


  8. yes.

    there are a lot of "mixed " couples here.

    iv'e had sepharadic and ashkenazi boyfreinds..we don't choose our boyfreinds according to their parents origion..

    you know matching up is our favourite passtime,

    come to israel i'll fix you up with a nice jewish girl.


  9. yes often, its not a big thing.most people go for the person they are no for the ethnic background.

  10. um why wouldnt they

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