
Do septum piercings stretch over time?

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I've been considering getting my septum pierced for a while now. There are a lot of piercing gone wrong stories and stories about people intentionally stretching their septum out. But I ran into a story (that I can't seem to find again) about the jewelry feeling loose and the septum naturally stretching out after a couple of weeks.

Does that usually happen? Has that happened to you or anyone you know?




  1. That doesn't happen very often unless people are wearing really heavy jewelry.

  2. Nope, people usually stretch it to fit a larger guage. It didn't happen to me!

  3. It basically depends on individual. I stretched mine up a size or two over a few months and it's rather stretchy now (As i ready for the next stretch). If you do not stretch it, I doubt self-stretch.


  4. Well yes, that has happened to me. It's not really really loose so to speak, it's more- well, the bar moves around very easily in my septum. If you think about it, the septum hangs down, so the weight of your jewerelly will naturally stretch it out a bit. It's not really a huge problem. You could get really light jewellery for your septum so theres not so much of a weight problem- and you could downsize from time to time to tighten the piercing up. Im not really bothered that mine has got a bit looser, its not like you can see it or like your nose hangs down. But obv, if you were to have a problem with it, the things ive mention could help fix it.

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