
Do server could know our Limewire download content???

by  |  earlier

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i usually use limewire at the office and can IT people find out what i've been download from their monitor or only how much quota on traffic i've been use???




  1. Yes, they could find out.  You really shouldn't be downloading stuff from limewire at your work...or even at home.  Its illegal to download music and movies or whatever your downloading for free and you get lots of viruses.

  2. If they don't know now, they will soon.

    IT people?

    Already know your IP Address, thanks.

    Your boss is watching

  3. Any network administrator with reasonable skills and a few basic tools can readily see what ports you are connecting on and how much data you are using.  As to wether or not they can see actual file names, that depends on wether or not your data streams are encrypted.  

    If your data is being sent unencrypted - in plain-text - then file names, (and depending on file type), even content can be read easily by 'sniffing' your connection.  

    If your data stream is encrypted, then file names and file contents are carried within the encrypted stream.  Some p2p applications offer the option for encrypted/unencrypted data transfers.

    As a security practise, when transferring data over the internet (especially on P2P services), you should always attempt to ensure that your computer is sending encrypted data whenever you can choose such an option. At home on a LAN (which is a trusted environment) it is generally unecessary to encrypt data transfers.

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