
Do s*x-selective abortions harm males or females more?

by Guest61425  |  earlier

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Obviously, many of those aborted are female, but males also suffer by being unable to find someone to marry when they grow up, and so the family line dies out, especially in places like China where the elderly parents may only have one child to care for them. At the same time, females looking to marry will have their choice of suitors. What are your thoughts? :-)




  1. s*x selective abortion is a good way of measuring how favorably the society (enviroment) is treating each s*x.

    For all those patriarchical societies that want to abort women, I'd say just let them do it. Then when the hordes of desperate men come looking for a spouse to the point that they might well be the ones having to pay to get married, the desperate husband who went to h**l to find a suitable wife will think twice about aborting his female child.

  2. it doesnt harm either group more than the harms the society as a whole

  3. Males are harmed more.

  4. I think it's wrong and harms society as a whole...and equally.

  5. It hurts both in a pretty bad way. The men will have trouble finding wives, but the women will have their choice of suitors, or they could be kid napped and forced into marriage to someone who's hard up for a wife. I read that its become big business in China, the people are even taking girls from Vietnam. This is something I read, not something I've been through yada yada.

  6. When I first heard of Indians aborting females, I had the same question: What are these people THINKING? They're preventing themselves from ever being grandparents (the ultimate dream of all parents).

    Who are their sons going to marry?

    I wonder what will happen to the status of women when these boys come of age, and they outnumber females 10 to 1. I can't help thinking it will be the catalyst to finally valuing females.

  7. the most obviuos answer is - the females. when one gender, like an ethnic group -is being wiped out, they will lose.

    also, it reflects the value -- females are valued less than males.

    when this started occuring, some ppl said women will have it better -they will have their choice of men, they will be valued, they will be able to marry later in life.  

    unfortunately, we're not really seeing that occur.

    many men turn to prostitutes and loose out on deep, satisfying, long term relationships.

    many men have kidnapped brides. (sounds crazy, but its true)

    there are marriage brokers that "sell" women - poor women who have to pass virginity tests (human rights violation) and are "guaranteed" not to run away.

    once in foreign lands, the husbands may not be what they said they were, may mistreat and abuse them....

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