
Do shaving cream bottles explode at high altitude? (flying this weekend)?

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I am going to fly on a commercial airplane this weekend. I was wondering, though, if shaving cream bottles explode or expand at high altitudes. I know bags of chips can, but will shaving cream?




  1. i just came back from Texas, and i packed in my suitcase, shaving cream there wasn't a problem.  now your not aloud to have it in a carry-on and all carry-on liquids can't exceed 4oz.. and have to be in a sandwich size zip lock bag.

  2. if ya going out of the country don't bring it

    it may be illegal in their country.

    and it does explode at high tempreture

    if it is going 2 be placed anywhere near the engine it could have a possibility of expanding or even exploding

    if it does explode the plane would most definitly explode 2

  3. With the new rules in flying, I am afraid you will not be

    allowed to bring it with you.  You have to buy another bottle

    whenever you get where you are going.

    Call them first, it would be senseless to bring it and they just throw it away.

    I know my son was not able to bring his content lenses fluid.

    Have to buy new when he got home here from Florida.

  4. it is kind of hit or miss depending on who x-rays the bag.  Pressurized containers are not supposed to be allowed since there is a possibility of them exploding.  I have made it through just fine many times checking these containers (shaving cream, mousse, etc), but have also been called off the plane one time to tell them to throw the items away.

  5. Cans of shaving cream make the trip just fine. Don't worry about them.



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